Winds of Revenge (pt 2)

(Winds of Revenge, Part I was posted in late October, 2017) ————————————- They still had my school ID card. Those East Side Prep high school girls had taken it a week before after abusing my face for well over an hour under the bleachers after our Westside High football team had ruined ESP’s perfect season. … Read more

Backyard Trouble

Today is Saturday, May 13th, and it’s Rachel’s weekend away from school. Rachel is an 18 years old girl, with long black hair, and soft blue eyes. With the end of the school year approaching fast, and more importantly summer, she’d like if she had a nice tan before going on vacation with her family. … Read more

The Way I Dreamed It Part 1 Chapter 12

I do NOT own Naruto, but then again neither do you, that Honor belongs to Kishimoto. —This is kind of a short chapter but I hope you like it. PLZ REVIEW after you read Written by Dragon of the Underworld Revised by Evildart17/Darkcloud75 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The Way I Dreamed It Part 1 Chapter 12 Naruto walked … Read more

The Sick’s Sense

I’d always hated Natasha. Every day I’d see her in school and she’d be hanging out with the same group of girls day in and day out. She was a complete bitch, although she was extremely attractive, with her long black hair with one strand dyed red in the middle. The reason I hated her … Read more

The New Life (Prologue)

As the title says, this is just a PROLOGUE to this new series. This was originally supposed to be part 1 but as I started to write it, I realized it was focusing more about the build up to the actual story rather than the story itself. So I decided to release this as a … Read more

Lilly’s Fun-filled Evening

Lilly was jealous of Emma. Her 17-year-old sister seemed to have everything Lilly wanted: she was allowed to stay up late, to go to teenagers’ parties by herself, she was always surrounded by attractive older boys, and, not least of all, she had larger breasts. Not like the little orbs beginning to form on 14-year-old … Read more

A Dog is a Young Man’s Best Friend

I was in the ninth grade when my family relocated to small town Kansas from St. Louis. I was pretty upset about it. We had moved from an area with big league sports and all kinds of activity to a rural area where apparently nothing ever happened. But my father had gotten a job with … Read more

Revolutionary Magic #102: Sold at Five by

Year -12 to Year 4 My Name is Nessa. Today I finished writing early. I want to write more so I’ll tell -you who come after- about me. I don’t remember where I was born or what my familiy was called and I’m the only Nessa around so never needed a nick. My familiy were … Read more

Marnie’s Clan

Part 1 – Sunday Introductions It was a sunny Sunday morning and I opened the bedroom curtains to the sounds of children playing out back somewhere. I had no inclination that the children were playing in the next door garden, I didn’t know anyone had moved in the place yet, it had been empty of … Read more

My First White Piece of Ass

I have had much more white pussy than Tiger Woods. Hotter too. He digs the porn stars and well-used sluts. I like my white snatch with far fewer miles on it. My ultimate goal is to surpass Wilt Chamberlain’s record, God rest his soul and big fat black dick. You may wonder why I don’t … Read more

Luck and Love: VIII

When Mike woke up he woke to Zoë’s slumbering form, her head settled gently on his chest. He felt his flaccid cock sticking to his sack, still rubbing against Zoë’s sweet pussy lips, heard her sigh contentedly and soon felt sleep retaking him. He woke up, fully and finally, finding himself spooning Zoë. His hands … Read more