The Angel Next Door II

I ran my fingers through my black hair. It was cut short, but just long enough to be able to style. I took the time to select my favorite shorts and tight tank top. Then I headed outside. I stepped out onto the porch of my dad’s house. It was a nice, white-washed porch with … Read more

The Barcalounger

Part One One day, back in 1975, my friend Scott invited me over for a beer after work. We were both just out of college for the summer and had just turned 21 during the school year, so beer became a regular part of our week. We were sitting in the kitchen when his 11 … Read more

The New Girl_(2)

It was a warm day, about 75 degrees out. I was shirtless wearing some light camouflage shorts. A new girl just moved in next door, I had a perfect view of her room from my window. I was sitting on my bed reading a magazine, it was full of naked women. I loved to masturbate … Read more

Forbidden Fruit: Pt IV

The summer flew by. Candy’s attentions were on her new boyfriend, Rob, and mine were on Candy’s mother, Trina, my daughter-in-law. Candy still came to me for pointers and occasional demonstrations, but most of my evenings were spent in Trina’s bed. When school started up again, Trina went back to her job as a library … Read more

Wild Magic Ch 1-3

I was enjoying a cool hike in the nature preserve near my house, when I heard a tiny voice calling for help. I searched for the voice in the brush, and soon found it. A tiny figure, tangled in twigs and spider web, struggled for freedom. I knelt down and carefully picked it up, taking … Read more

oh so naughty 2

That night I lay in bed, tossing and turning, punishing myself with guilt for what had happened. Who was I to try to corrupt this young girl, albeit she seemed willing enough? Her parents had befriended me (but then Liz didn’t know how much I wanted to fuck her) and I was a lot older … Read more

Georgia Part 17

Part 17 After I’d got some breakfast the next morning I went to find Zoe’s boat. It was easy to find because she was out on the deck. I waved at her and she welcomed me aboard. “Hi Georgia; dad, this is Georgia, you may remember her from the boat party the other week. Georgia, … Read more

Slipping 4

Chapter 21: “Go ahead. Open them, baby.” I was standing in the spare room, where daddy had apparently been stockpiling presents for a while. There were about thirty boxes of all shapes and sizes, all wrapped in different kinds of paper. “Daddy…? It’s not my birthday…” “I know, sweetie. They’re not birthday presents. And… Most … Read more

Figuring It Out

How did you learn about sex? Sometimes we learn in Sex Ed at school, sometimes a parent sits you down and explains it. This is the story of how I learned much of what I know about sex. It was a hot summer day when I was 11 years old. My 12 year old brother … Read more

Nice Guys Finish Last

I was exhausted. Not just physically, but mentally. So when my friend Nick came up to me and said “Hey, Will! You wanna come over to my place tonight? I’m getting the guys together.” I quickly responded with “No thanks man, i’m just gonna stay at home and relax.” I had just taken my finals … Read more

Frat Girl

Typical Friday night frat party. We all gather at M. J.’s bar after class, make preliminary approaches for hook-ups and return to the House for hours of drinking and, hopefully, plenty of recreational sex. That night for some reason I was having no luck with the ladies. I usually did okay. Nothing world class or … Read more


I am trying to wrrite this story from the perspective of the female, which I am not. So if the language, thoughts or experiences are not realistic, I apologize and would welcome any suggestions of corrections. Feel free to PM me. I am basing this story on a girl I knew, and I have pictures … Read more

A new life for the Gribbles

A new life for the Gribbles —————- Chapters 1. The Gribbles new Life begins 2. A new life for the Gribbles takes shape 3. The gribbles real life begins —————- Chapter one: The Gribbles new Life begins * It was a bright sunny Friday afternoon in mid June when Bobby, and his best friend Joseph … Read more

True Maniac

My name is Jerry. I’m not sure if I am a normal person but I have these twisted fantasies about rape and causing great pain to female victims whether they are old as dirt, or even very young. I’ll begin by telling the story of a very vicious sexual encounter I had with Samantha, a … Read more


I’m Trina. __I had known Sandy since we were young. We liked many of the same things. We found both our fathers like it when we showed off our young bodies to them. It turned us on also to dress skimpy around them and wiggled our butts as we walked around them…. (when our moms … Read more

Deja vu by

Déjà vu It was coming up to the end of term, summer holidays were on the horizon. There was a typical sense of subtle anarchy that hung in the air, everyone at my school were pushing the boundaries in silly and immature fashions knowing that the holidays were just around the corner. My name is … Read more