Sexual Adventures of a Schoolgirl Part One

Sigh. How is it that anything could be so boring. Sophie sat quietly at her desk waiting for papers to get passed back. Sophie was always good at school, all As and Bs, but ever since she started high school things had been different. Sophie had thought that a new school would be fun: new … Read more

Intercourse Partner Synthesizer

The man-size glass tube and its attached console had not only taken over most of Cory’s small bedroom, it had also taken over most of his life. His father’s prototypes were beta tests disguised as presents to his two children so Cory’s daily and nightly use of the Intercourse Partner Synthesizer was mutually beneficial. The … Read more

Shower Stall

I was finally back to the campsite; I had been fishing about a mile and a half away from where the campground was, and lugging my fishing equipment all that way had tired me out. It was humid and hot out; it had been raining earlier in the day and now the air was sticky. … Read more

Karen Helping Her Son Back To Bed

This is a work of fiction and is not to be confused with reality. If you don’t like these kind of stories, please don’t read it. If you want to send feedback or just contact me for whatever reason. Make sure the topic is “Karen Helping Her Son Back To Bed” Enjoy! As always in … Read more

She hates me, she loves me, she fucks me

I was bored as hell, sitting in my first period science class. The teacher was teaching us some bullshit that we wouldn’t really have to use in real life. I kind of drifted off in this class a lot to pass the time, but today I didn’t. There was this girl in my class I … Read more

Project Worker 2

Project Worker Part 2 Shirley asked me to sit down, as she had some important news. She was older than me, and had an eventful life which meant that she was well experienced to handle the supported housing project and all the people in it. “David in Room 3 has a younger sister, and I … Read more

My neighbor and me

A few years ago, when I was only 15, something very special happened to me that I would like to share with all of you. For years my neighbor and I talked often and got along well, despite our age difference. Amanda was 34, and we often talked about things going on. I babysat often … Read more

Brad’s First Time

Angie never really meant to do this, not really, not even once, but then Angie was never one to turn down an opportunity! Here’s how it started. Angie had always liked pleasing men, and had already made many men very happy in her short life. But she had always fantasized about pleasing young boys now … Read more

Neighbor Suzy

I’ve always read stories where this happens, but I hadn’t planned on doing anything like this until now. I had recently moved into a new neighborhood into a small two bedroom house near the school bus stop. I’m a professional writer so I can spend most of my time at home especially when the bus … Read more

“Ass Effect”

My name is jake and I just turned 13 about about a month ago. It had been 20 years since ours galaxy’s hero “The Shepard” had saved our entire way of life in the milky way galaxy or so my parents told me. They had to leave earth when the reapers attacked in hopes they … Read more

16 Slut

16 slut Yesterday she had turned 16!! Jenny had gone to a party with her cousin Becky last night; Becky was 23, and a bit of a slut!! As Jenny found out. Now here she was, striped naked and tied up, her legs spread wide open!! He stood over her with his huge cock in … Read more

Mom and Rachel’s Sexual Fantasy

Mom and Rachel’s BiSexual Fantasy — My Mom winked at me as she walked by my room where I stood fully dressed with a white buttoned up collared shirt and my light blue and tight jeans. I looked back at my mother, Carol, and smiled. My mom who had just walked past my room leaned … Read more