Team photos 4: Lauren

Team Photos 4 – Lauren That was intense; I had never cum so hard in all my life. I think I actually blacked out for a minute or two. I came to with Caitlyn shaking me. “Hey you, that was awesome!” my words could hardly express just how awesome it had actually been, but I … Read more

The Island, Chapter 20

Chapter 20 After reuniting with the group at the lake, we all trooped back to camp, tired and happy. Janie’s fun with Christopher had left her horny and unfulfilled, so I spent my last remaining energy fucking her before bed, entertaining her with stories of my latest sexual encounters with Alyssa and Alison. I suggested … Read more

Training a Rich Bitch, Part 1

Natalie was a dog trainer living in Dewberry Place, a wealthy suburb, while she and her widowed mother lived in a trailer park at the edge of town with all the other “help” that serviced the wealthy residents of Dewberry Place. Natalie liked training dogs. She really did. She had started working with dogs when … Read more

Becoming Daddy’s Toy- Chapter 3

Amelia looked at the clock on her phone excitedly, watching as time ticked closer to when her daddy would be home. After all of her preparations today, she was eager to present herself to her daddy, to see the joy and hunger in his eyes when he saw his new toy waiting for him. She … Read more

Beauty and The Beast: Chapter 4

When Rose had left her family to suffer the romantic attentions of a monster, she had imagined that the worst days of her life were ahead of her. The day after she spilled ink on The Beast’s book was to prove her right, but for very different reasons than those she had imagined. Her restless … Read more

Teacher’s Pet Ch 5

DISCLAIMER #1: All sexual acts in this story occur between adults over the age of 18. DISCLAIMER #2: Themes of this story revolve largely around humiliation, black mail, and voyeurism. If you are not interested in these themes, please do not read. Of course, in real life much of what is portrayed in this story … Read more

My cousin Michelle

My cousin Michelle and I have always shown affection towards one another. We were very close, even from a young age. Because Michelle and I were always hugging, and leaning our bodies into each other, people always assumed we were dating; this is where my sexual thoughts for my cousin was birthed. Because Michelle was … Read more

A Haunting Curiosity

A Haunting Curiosity I walked up to the rusty iron bar fences. I never thought I would make it here, especially after hearing so much about this place. I looked through the bars and could see why so many thought it to be the place of nightmares, but I thought surely it couldn’t be as … Read more

Repopulation 2020

Prologue: January 1st, 2013 Washington D.C., United States CNBS News “The stories and mass media coverage of the “End of The World Theory” peaked last year but then suddenly declined after that fateful date of 12/22/2012. Why? I have a little theory of my own you see. I believe that the end of the world … Read more

Summer Mission Trip with Dustin

We entered into the church parking lot along with all of the other parents who were sending their kids off to West Virginia for one week on a church mission trip. “Goodbye! Have fun and be safe!” my mother yelled out the passenger window, worried about sending her son halfway across the country. “I will!” … Read more

Asian Mom Jenny and her son Chris Series 3: Part 2

It had been less than a week; less than a week since I actively tried to cuckold my husband and I was already hooked. At nights, when I couldn’t fall asleep, I would run through image after image of my son’s cock, slamming into me while my husband had his head turned. As a result, … Read more

Roofie Nights

Roofie Nights It was Sunday morning, eleven o’clock when I woke up. I like sleeping in, although I rarely have the time for it. I yawned and stretched my arms. I was still sleepy and a little drowsy, but as my brain was slowly clearing up, I detected the same yearning sensation between my legs … Read more