Cabin of Temptation Part 1: Chapter 3 – Hiking with McKayla

I awoke the next morning forgetting where I was for just a moment, the events of the last 24 hours seemed like a dream. Five of my former students, all female, had convinced me into chaperoning their post-graduation trip to a cabin under the pretense that there would be guys here as well. I was … Read more

My sexy tenants

My name is Tai and like most typical successful Asians, I am an accountant. I graduated from UC San Diego five years ago and now live alone in a house that used to belong to my parents but they have since moved to another city to retire. I figured, rather than spending money on rent … Read more

Summoning a Demon

“Nomi is that you?” Naomi’s boyfriend shouted, from his garage, as she knocked on the front door. He used her families pronunciation of her name, rather than the normal one. Naomi had spent her whole live correcting people when they said her name the usual way, rather than the ‘Nomi’ of her family. Ian had … Read more

The Evacuee part 2 by

David, a 15 year old evacuee, was preparing to leave home for the safely of a village in the country side. As sleep started to overtake him, he idly wondered what the people were like in his new home. He wondered what Mrs. Ellis was like? As David was thinking this, Mary Ellis was also … Read more

She Gave Him Power – Part 1

Aaron felt the sun before he saw it. Laying in bed he could feel the rising warmth travel slowly up his body until, irritatingly, it reached his face, forcing him to open his eyes. He sighed. His alarm clock to the right indicated 04:30, way too early to be getting up. “Wait…what” It was four … Read more

Abigail Ch.2

‘One year later’ Flashes of light, coupled with sirens and the screams of her trapped brethren as they burned in the wreckage of the facility the specialist forces had just laid waste to, filled her head and for a moment she was walking that devastating scene again seeing, again, that soft hearted soldier who had … Read more

My Dirty Little Secret (4)

Loving everything about this, guys 🙂 There are some references to Halloween in here, because I intentionally planned to release this chapter near the day XD However, in later chapters, I might fast forward to Christmas season etc. before it actually arrives because none of us are patient enough to wait weeks for chapters 😉 … Read more

Money Can buy Happiness Ch. 16 – 18

Chapter 16 I wanted to add to my car collection and a Mecum Auction was coming up in Scottsdale, Arizona. I hadn’t taken Maria out of town yet to this point. I couldn’t wait to parade her around the auction to distract other buyers. The advantage to having more money than I can possibly spend … Read more


Since I was young, I was involved in gymnastics, so I spent many many hours in the gym working out. Most of my friends were other guys from the gym. Luckily, we also had a girl’s program, so I was friends with a lot of the girls from the gym too. During the summer, we … Read more

Tree House pt 1

Over the summer, my freshman friend Colt and I had literally no plans. We both had money left from previous summer jobs and didn’t feel at all like working again. Colt was going into his sophomore year and I was heading into my senior year. This was our summer to relax and enjoy what little … Read more

The Passion Of Two Friends- Chapter 2

To my surprise, Rod began to slip his pants off. My heart started to race uncontrollably. He started to take his underwear off when he stopped and looked at me. “Ken, I need to jack-off. Please go downstairs.” “Come on man, we are best friends, just do it in front of me. I don’t mind.” … Read more

A Bumpy Road

I woke up to a pounding on my door. “Wake up Matty”, my mother yelled out. “We’re leaving in 10 minutes, and if you’re not ready there’s going to be hell to pay.” An empty threat that I knew my pushover mom would never follow through on. None the less, I really did need to … Read more

Blue Balls 8 – Tiffany Tattles

Blue Balls 8 – Tiffany Tattles (mf, Ff, incest, exhibitionist, young) Summary – Tiffany gets frustrated. Mom and Tiffany have a little ‘talk.’ Previous Story Summary – Tiffany decides she needs a boyfriend and makes friends with the janitor. Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based … Read more