The Power of Science (Chapter 2) – Evan Makes a Breakthrough

Previously: Evan Weiss started attending Excelsior, a fancy private school after he made a scientific breakthrough, proving his genius. He recently looked through one of his old notebooks and discovered one of his old ideas about time travel or time manipulation. He decided to try it out in hopes that it might work. ===== Evan … Read more

Court Records Chapter Two

REVELATION Hope against hope, Clem quietly descended the staircase. Would the call and his movement have awakened her? To his joy, she appeared to still be sleeping soundly. Sarah had turned a little. Her legs were together, but she had turned her upper body such that her top now faced his easy chair. Her white … Read more

Watching my neighbours Pt2

There was a ring at the doorbell. I had just sat down and turned on the TV to watch the news, a cold beer on the table. I was a bit annoyed as I was looking forward to a quiet evening and maybe a film. I got up and went to the front door. I … Read more

Lindsey: An unlikely Romance Part 8

Chapter 8 I woke the next morning feeling like a new man. My cock was sore but I felt like I could take on the world. I was absolutely in love. In the shower I kept getting text alerts. I got dried off and picked my phone it was Lindsey. Lindsey : Oh my god! … Read more

The first of many_(1)

This is just a fictional story about what i want my first time with a man to be like. A little about me, I’m just your average white boy, 6 foot tall with long brown hair that reaches my shoulders and dark brown eyes that almost look black. Cream white skin and an average body, … Read more

Scout by

Chapter 1 It was the middle of summer break. I was babysitting Scout. Our parents had gone out of town together again, and Forrest was at another friends house this time. So for the week, it was just me and Scout. I didn’t mind. I was getting paid, and I had someone to play with. … Read more

Hermione Granger, Chapter 5: Contrast is Key

“Lavender, I can explain.” “You had better missy.” She jumped over the back of the couch, landed next Hermione, and grabbing her shoulders to look straight in her eyes, “because, I want ALL the details!” Hermione had thought Lavender would be mad, or feel as though she’d been cheated on but it appeared she couldn’t … Read more

A boy, or A girl? part 5

this is an interlude…… Have you been giving her the drugs regularly? Yes, morning and night. Are the mental drugs working? You mean the physiographic inhibitors? Yes, what about the hormonal pills, are they working? She’s only been taking them for two weeks. But the professor said we should notice some change. I think that … Read more

Tricks and Treats for Everyone Part 3

“Alright guys . . . it’s time to play a few games. How about pin the tail on the donkey? Or maybe musical chairs?” mused Mike looking at all of the delectable bodies displayed in front of him. “Daddy . . . get with it! We aren’t kids anymore. Just leave us alone and we’ll … Read more

A Royal’s Lust 2

“P-permission to speak freely your highness,” I asked as I followed him deeper into the woods. “I didn’t bring you here to stand in silence Dominic” “Please spare Prince Allen sir, it was me who seduced him, I’m prepared to be stripped of my rank and of my life but please don’t hurt him” I … Read more

Lindsey: An Unlikely Romance part 9

Lindsey Chapter Nine The next few weeks, Lindsey had put items she needed for sleepovers on my Amazon account and the few times we were able to get together were amazing. But Thanksgiving came around. The boys went to see their mother in her new house. Josh did come by and we had a beer … Read more

Happy Birthday to Me_(1)

My name is Jeff and today is my 14th birthday. I should be excited about today being my birthday, but since I have no friends and no special plans for today, I’m sure today is going to suck. Normally, my dad would take me to a Cubs game, or to Magic waters waterpark for my … Read more

Dad Doesn’t Stand A Chance: Part 1

Dad Doesn’t Stand A Chance: Part I I’m so happy I found this site. I was searching for individuals who are having the same experiences as me, and while I can’t talk to anyone about them just to be safe, at least I can share my experience through writing and get some anonymous feedback :). … Read more

Love is Deaf? Part 3

Ashley’s heart was racing with anticipation. Here she was, dressed up with all the fixings for her senior prom, and she couldn’t have been happier. Finishing the final touches on her best friend Katie’s make up, the two decided that they were finally ready for the big dance. Ashley’s boyfriend Josh, and Katie’s date Alex … Read more

Oh My!

Oh My! As Anne weeded her rose garden, Heather walked up silently falling to her knees beside Anne began to help. Anne looked at Heather and smiled. The help was welcome and knowing Heather was a deaf mute she just smiled her thanks. As Heather continued to pull weeds, Anne got up filling the watering … Read more

Brother’s nighttime visit 2

When Sarah went downstairs to have breakfast, her heart was beating really fast. “Is he going to say something?”, she wondered to herself. To her surprise, he didn’t even react when he saw her come into the kitchen. “Good morning, sis,” he said. “Did you sleep well?” Despite him trying to act as normal as … Read more