Lake Estate-3

After a few minutes Joe and I stood and without saying anything, I followed the big, beefy blond guy out of his barn, with a quick glance back at the dogs. Nero, the hundred-plus pound male Weimaraner and Pandora, the eighty-five pound rottweiler bitch, were both exhausted after their bestial breeding session and were laying … Read more

Beauty and The Beast: Chapter 10

The Beast awoke to feel Rose’s hot little body still pressed against his side. How could such a tiny girl produce so much heat? It was like lying by a fire. As gently as he could, he attempted to move her arm off his chest without waking her. Rousing, she blearily opened her eyes and … Read more

Powers to Control from an Artifact

I was new to this sleepy little town. I had moved here from the Midwest and now found myself in a quiet little town where everyone knew everyone else’s business. News spread quickly around town that a stranger had moved into the old Mason Mansion on the knoll overlooking the entire town below. I was … Read more

Bk 1, Ch 5: A Dirty Business

Chapter 5: A Dirty Business The sun had just risen in the sky. Zavala was ours. My plan had worked flawlessly. The townsfolk had behaved like cattle, and we’d herded them with ease. As I’d predicted, the arrows and our vicious charge had broken the enemy defense. Most of the townsfolk had fled towards the … Read more

Sadistic Predator and the Preachers Kid 1 Just Fishing

Michael was in his mid 40s. He was amazed and relieved to be in his new country and his new community in a place that somewhat reminded him of his homeland Germany. Now he was in Tennessee close to the mountains he loved and more importantly in the country away from any big city and … Read more

Tantalizing Chapter Two

After gym class I had Chemistry, which thank god Gavin Jensen was in there. I couldn’t stop thinking about him standing up for me, he told off Chris Edwards. I could see him now I was across from him in our pod of six, his black silky hair covering his blue eyes. He was laying … Read more

The New Teacher II

“C’mon, Jacob. Just calm down and just say it.” Standing in my bathroom, just about to finish my daily morning clean-up routine, I leaned on my sink and gave my reflection in the mirror a stern look. Ever since yesterday, the only thought that had consistently been on my mind was Cicily, her gang of … Read more

The Nerd–Part 1

I’m Ryan and I’ve never been anything special with women. I’m 40 now and most people would consider me a nerd. But, I am a really, really rich nerd. This is a story about how even a nerd like me can score if he tries hard enough. I graduated college with a B.S. in computer … Read more

Ashley’s first hair – part 1 by

It all started when my wife told me that our daughter got her first pubic hair. We were lying in bed ready for sleep. “But she’s only 9.”, I said. “Yes, I also got my first pubic hair at 9 or 10. And got my period at 11.” My wife replied. “Do you think she … Read more