A Young Girl’s Adventures with Rape – Part One

I can remember the exact moment I first started fantasising about rape. It was on a mid-summer day – one of those hot, heavy summers, where the sweat clings to every inch of you. Where it’s always beading on your forehead, and no matter how high you turn the air-con, it won’t go away. I … Read more

Innocence Enslaved Chapter 2: What Comes After

Innocence Enslaved part 2: What comes after ***** The two boys couldn’t believe their luck. If Jakes brother hadn’t given them the bottle of whiskey they would have stayed home playing playstation and skipped the party completely. They figured it would be boring simply because of the loser who was hosting it, and if they … Read more

A Not-So-Simple Life: Part 4_(0)

The cafeteria died, figuratively of course, but it did feel like I was staring at bunch of ghosts after that. Everywhere I looked I was met with pale, awestruck faces that I tried my best to ignore as I weaved through the crowd. Keeping my head down, I managed to break free from the mass … Read more

Our boarder by

Our Boarder Times were hard, money was tight, and so we invited a boarder into our home. Since money was tight we decided to advertise in the local university paper for a boarder, to help pay for the bills. Within a day of the ad being in the paper we had a call from the … Read more

Younger cousin and I

It was a long journey, travelling to a member of the family’s place for my annual yearly holiday. I was particularly looking forward to it this year because, being a particularly enthusiastic horse rider, I would be competing in my first ever equestrian contest. I was understandably nervous, but also excited because I was almost … Read more

A Real Finish

A Real Finish All eyes were on us. Saturday night at the local race track in southern Kentucky was always a fun one. Food, alcohol, and local racers trying to make a name for themselves in hopes that one day maybe they’ll get a big break and crack a deal with a bigger team and … Read more

The Big Time–Michael K Smith

I was lying on a lounge chair out by the pool when my kid sister’s sort-of-boyfriend scared the crap out of me. I mean, I was half asleep, just letting my mind drift and feeling the warm July sun bouncing off my body, when this piercing voice behind me suddenly said, “Hi, Angela — do … Read more

Sharing My Room WIth Sis: Deep Asleep

“Wake up, Abby.” I came out of the bathroom and found my sister still asleep in my bed. I poked her shoulder. “Come on, its almost time for school.” She didn’t so much as move. Somewhat annoyed, I began shaking her. “Abby! Wake up!” Barely stirring, she tried to roll over, but I practically pulled … Read more

Rivka – Chapter 1 – Gynecology Appointment

Rivka – Chapter 1 – Gynecology Appointment It was a beautiful summer day and Rivka was sitting patiently in the doctor’s office quietly reading a book that she just really wasn’t into. Because of this, she found her mind wandering often and a lot, making reading the book a chore. She swears she has been … Read more

A Not-So-Simple Life: Part 2

Turns out I was wrong…again. Work was no longer a sanctuary for me, and I knew that the instant I arrived and walked into the locker room to find Missy K tapping her foot in furious anticipation. “Tucker James Kingly,” her nostrils were flaring. Now, I knew that Missy K was mad whenever she used … Read more

The Beginning _(4)

The following story is essentially true. The events happened pretty much as described, though I have embellished some of the details – after all, this occurred when I was 6 years old, and I can’t remember everything precisely as it happened. Names have been changed where needed. My father was in the Navy, and this … Read more

The Penis Mightier Than The Sword

New club members seemed clumsier every year, but the kendo club had to accept all comers because of its abysmal turnover rate. They did not even have enough members to book the gymnasium for training this year. In a random classroom, these scrawny new girls were swinging their bamboo swords like feather dusters, seldom making … Read more