The Club, Ch. 7 – Everyday Routine

The Club Chapter 7 – Everyday Routine I had daily routines that I was starting to follow. Or at least certain things I would expect on different days of the week. Part of my routine was being monitored by Mr. Savage in every way, some days more closely than others. He would weigh me, measure … Read more

Draft Dodger

Jessica wasn’t sure what to make of the man standing in front of her after she had answered the door bell to find him standing there holding a large yellow envelope. The envelope needed no introduction since Jessica had been told from the day she was old enough to understand such things. She knew it … Read more

Claire and the Clay Cuffs

“Time’s up, ladies and gentlemen. Pencils down.” Claire sighed, finally relaxing out of the position she’d been in all class, drawing a pale blue soft robe around her as the art class around her began murmuring quietly. She looked away from the drawings they’d done of her; she’d learned to never look at work people … Read more


“RING” Jessica picked up the phone, Jessica was surprised to find it was Stacey on the other end of the call; Jessica hadn’t spoken to Stacey in over two years since they had that big fight over Jason the most popular guy in school at the time. Their conversation went something like this. “Hi, Jess” … Read more

Left Over’s

“Dad I don’t want to be roasted on a spit like mom was” Jessica said at the kitchen table sitting across from her father and two brothers, “You gets no choice Jessie, you’re a girl and tagged as meat, you will roast and soon I hopes” her younger brother Steven said with a glint in … Read more

The Cheerleader Roast – Part 4 of 4

Part 4 of 4 – The Survivors After the brutal and senseless slaughter of Jessica, Stacey, Lina, Sophie and Sara the football team was now totally tired out and could be found lying on the ground or table where ever they were standing or sitting when they collapsed from partying too much. One guy was … Read more

She’s The Master – Part 1 of 2

Part 1 – Jessica’s Plan It all started the day Jessica got her letter in the mail, at 19 years old she had only just been registered at the Alternative Meat Agency and never thought she would be called up by the state lottery to give up her meat so soon. “What!!” was Stacey’s only … Read more

College Girl Meets the King – Part Three

“OK ladies, as you know we have VIP company tonight. You’re the evening eye-candy for a very rich owner of another contracting business. We’re having dinner, drinks and more.” “More? Are we going to fuck him?” Maddy asked. “There is a very good chance things are going to get sexy. He’s older and twice-divorced. My … Read more

Jamie Chapter 3 – Workplace Discipline

Jamie Green gathered her things quickly, the work day was over and she was desperate to get home. She buttoned her jacket over her chest and tossed her long scarf around her neck before walking over to the large oak door next to her desk. She knocked softly before opening the door, looking in at … Read more

Jessica’s Capture – Part 3 of 10

Part 3 – The Auction Walking down the hall into a large room with a large tank and set’s of stairs leading into it “This is a hair removal tank, our meat animals must be hairless for auction” came the voice from the man who led them to this room, “You will each walk up … Read more

Jessica’s Capture – Part 5 of 10

Part 5 – Jessica’s on the job Following her down the hall, Jerry was right behind her “Go ahead she is waiting in there, I’m sure she will be surprised to see you, he he” He said placing a hand on her shoulder, “You trust me to go in and spit her alone?” Jessica asked … Read more

Jessica’s Capture – Part 4 of 10

Part 4 – Is turn about really fair play? As they enter the room Steve pushes Jessica forward “Jessica meet Jessica 3000” he said looking into tear soaked eye’s, “I don’t want to meet Jessica 3000!” Jessica yells back at him, picking Jessica up by her arm “Well you will be very intimate with Jessica … Read more

Jason’s Game

Jessica came home from school the day had gone by like any other, she woke up, went to school, and now she is home, Jessica is a lovely young girl 13 years old, blonde hair and blue eye’s. When Jessica entered her house she saw her mom and dad were not home, she knew this … Read more

Jessica’s Capture – Part 10 of 10

Part 10 – Finish off A Traitor The trailer pulled up to the gate of the plant, Jerry and Gene exit the trailer and open the doors “HMMMPPMHHM” was heard from the two gauged girls, “Get the cows numbers and get them in the holding pens” Jerry said as the other trailers pulled in unloading … Read more

Demonology 4

Amanda woke up and was aware that she was naked. A cold breeze brushed across her skin, making her nipples stand erect. Her eyes fluttering open, she looked around. Lying in bed she realized that she was not alone. Looking up slowly she saw Mikel sitting in a chair casually. Amanda started, throwing covers over … Read more