Different Love

It wasn’t the way I expected it to be, but I don’t regret it. Sometimes things happen for a reason, good things and bad things. Sometimes they just have to happen, both of them, so you can discover who you really are. Getting older is hard. At first you are obsessed with the first kiss, … Read more

Our Friday Night with John

When I had last left you John and I had just ran into DeRonda at the store. We were there to pick up some munchies in case we got hungry later tonight. John and I talked about DeRonda on the way to pick up Kim. “So will you take me to DeRonda’s next party?” I … Read more

The Night of the Bigfoot (Part 1)

The Night of the Bigfoot Lindsey tossed and turned in her bed and found sleep difficult which was unusual for her as she normally just crashed when she hit the pillow. Tonight she had just finished watching a documentary about the truth and fiction behind the bigfoot legend. Her thought was awash with all sorts … Read more

Taking My Sister’s Virginity

“Taking” My Sister’s Virginity Summary: Older brother seduces and takes cute nerd sister’s virginity. Note: This is a Winter 2014 contest submission. Note 2: Thanks to MAB7991, Robert and goamz86 for editing this story. Note 3: All participants are at least eighteen years old. “Taking” My Sister’s Virginity I wasn’t necessarily eavesdropping, as they were … Read more

Psych Ward

Psych Ward The conversation got away from her very quickly. Eliana looked from her uncle back to the doctor in front of her, now they were saying she was clinically depressed, that she needed to take medication and maybe be admitted into a psychiatric hospital for a while. ‘I’m not crazy.’ She said. ‘Off course … Read more

Different Love – Part III

Hi, guys. First of all, sorry to the people who was waiting that long for another installment of my stories. I’m passing through a very complicated moment of my life so I don’t have enough time to write, specially write in english, as it consumes four times more than I spend while writing in portuguese. … Read more

Meeting Curtis

It’s a Tuesday night, and I’m walking home from a Narcotics Anonymous meeting in the dark. It’s about six blocks from my apartment, but it seems like longer. The meeting tonight was the same as usual; junkies from town, most of them on parole, telling their somewhat fabricated stories. There was a new face, someone … Read more

Bride Submission: A Big Surprise

“I just need to warn you my family is very different,” Bradley said out of the blue as we reached their luxury hotel…they occupied the penthouse suite. The way he stressed the word ‘very’ and the look of anxiety on his face had me slightly concerned. I comforted him, “Honey, if they are anything like … Read more

Being owned – Part 5

Holding my bouncing tits with my hands I was running towards my bungalow. The sun was already setting. I might be late for the first time. “Damn,” I swore as I stumbled on the uneven path. Panting I stopped, pressed a hand to the sting in my side. Out of shape, that’s what I was. … Read more

The Physical

I sat in the waiting room with my mom. A familiar room, but today it felt foreign, different, strange in ways that was hard to explain. It could be that I was simply anxious about the exam. A physical was required by the school to play any sports and I really wanted to try out … Read more

The Club – Ch. 3, Dr.’s Office

The Club Chapter 3 – Dr.’s Office We headed out of town a little and pulled into the drive of a large well-to-do house. Mr. Savage explained that the Dr. had an office out of his home for weekend surgery visits. I was a little nervous. An efficient looking nurse answered the door. The house … Read more

An Immodest Proposal (Sarah & Mark)

Sarah, comfortable in her oversized t-shirt and underwear, sits beside her live-in boyfriend Mark while he searches for something to watch on Netflix. She has her arm wrapped around his, gently stroking his arm with her fingertips. She can smell his cologne mixed with his natural scents wafting toward her as she leans against his … Read more