Lovley sisters

As a teenage girl, I was very horny, but I kept to myself. When I was 16 years old, my sister was 13, and when together, we got along very well. My sister Christina and I looked very closely alike. In fact, when my sister surpassed puberty, we could pass as twins, even though we … Read more

Restrained Violation Take 2

We were both so incredibly tired. Weeks like THAT, where you’re busy with engagements, catch ups, work, adverse weather conditions, faulty cars, appointments and the rest don’t come along too often, so it was nice to finally be done with an exceptionally busy one and then crawl into bed at a reasonable hour to recharge … Read more

The Family BBC – Chapter 4

I scooted over to the passenger side and wiped my face with the sleeve of my jacket. I had worn loose jeans with buttons in front and a sturdy belt looped through it. Under my sweater, I wore a tank top under a thick woolen shirt. The car’s air conditioner blasted on maximum. He slid … Read more

A Gentleman’s Night Out

I noticed you because your hair was the same color as new, copper pennies. It shimmered and gleamed in the soft lighting of the bar each time you faked a laugh at one of your friends’ jokes. What was obvious to me clearly wasn’t to them; your air of sadness couldn’t penetrate their alcohol-induced fog … Read more

Archie Andrews gets Laid, ch 2

Midge wiped Archie’s sperm off her face, and sidled over to him. Archie was still sitting on the chair in the corner. He looked up at Midge who approached him slowly, and then seductively sat on his lap. Putting her arms around his neck, she slowly began to kiss him. Archie kissed her back, slowly … Read more

Broken Protocol

The cell door slammed shut with a loud clang. Amber heard the familiar sound of keys jumbling against the metal, locking her inside. She looked out of the window into the florescent lit hallway, and into the correctional officers eyes. He stopped and stared back at her before walking away, and out of sight. It … Read more

Court Record Chapter Five

IN PUBLIC Clem froze. He had never considered the complications of really going out in public with her. A shopping trip was one thing, but a public restaurant was a completely different situation. The town was small. He had lived here a long time. Even though he stayed to himself, a few people knew him. … Read more


I grew up in Greenville, NC… a little town about an hour and a half east of Raleigh. My only sibling was my brother, Justin, who was a year younger than me. While growing up, we were pretty close, although we managed to have occasional disagreements and quarrels, like any two kids, but for the … Read more


Nicole was as nervous as a cat in a room full of rockers as she waited for her ten o’clock appointment with Dr. Corbin!!! She paged through three or four magazines without ever really reading any of the articles, and when the receptionist called out her name, she practically leaped out of her chair while … Read more

Seeing Matt’s Stars Part 1

She sat down in the first row of seats, as her friend — who was working as stage manager for the show — had requested. There would be audience participation, and they needed to make sure there were enough people in the front row to give the actors a selection. She sat in the middle … Read more

Discovery 3

I began this as a Yuri, so I tried to stay withing the realms of young teenage love rather than blatant down and in your face sex. It is dedicated to Juliet, with love. The Juliet in this short work of fiction resembles the Juliet for whom the story is written.(Just a little older) The … Read more


These days I see online a great deal of discussion among feminists about pornography; some of them say it’s degrading and exploitative, others claim it’s liberating. I don’t really have a fixed opinion on the subject, but I can say that there’s nothing stopping it from being degrading and exploitative under certain circumstances while being … Read more

Two Sisters_(0)

My alarm went off that morning. I rolled over, hit snooze, and fell back asleep. Moments later I heard my father banging on the door. “Emma, wake up! It’s time for school!” shouted my father. I slowly stood up with lethargy, walking unstably towards the bathroom door in my room. I grabbed my towel and … Read more