If only every work place had a vampire….

Today has been a strange day. Firstly it’s my “birthday”. I don’t mean my normal birthday, I don’t exactly have those anymore, today is my Vampire Birthday. 121 years of being a vampire, 121 years of being stuck at 22, 121 years of drinking nothing but blood for breakfast, lunch and tea. Not that I … Read more

Hiking Trips 2

For the next three weeks Greta and Tami had gone through their usual routine of going to the valley early in the morning, hiking around for an hour or so until they reached the creek where they would give blowjobs and hand-jobs to the male horses that occupied it. A couple of times there weren’t … Read more

From Lonely Unfilled Housewife to Perverted Slut Chapter 2 re-posted

From Lonely Unfilled Housewife to Perverted Slut Chapter 2 re-posted Edited by a friend. True Story, Cheating Author’s info Gender: female Age: N/A Location: N/A Originally Posted Sat 28th of January 2012 Report No persons involved in sexual acts or even witnessing the same are included in this series under the age of consent. A … Read more

Court Records Chapter One

The events in this story are roughly related to a specific court case which is completed, and now a matter of public record. Names, places and event timing have been altered; however effort has been made to accurately portray the substance of the case background and the court findings. To that degree the story is … Read more

Delhi Jazz Festival

“What do men want?” “What do women want?” These are the questions that most people really ask when in reality all they need to ask is “what do you want?”. Yes it is sex. Women love sex as much as men love footy. But I’m not here to discuss my friend’s game. It wasn’t the … Read more

Hiking Trips 3

Tami was the first to wake up the next day; she panted at the intense heat in the tent and rolled away from where she was cuddled against Greta. She was dressed in a tank top and panties because in the middle of the night the heat had gotten to her and she’d tied her … Read more

Just one girl…..

Just one girl….. She sat at her computer, in the corner of the lounge, as she often did during her spare time. Just for once she’d disconnected the internet, and she was typing away at the keyboard as fast as her limited typing skills allowed. She wished she’d taken that typing course when it was … Read more

Georgia Part 16

Part 16 I awoke to the sound of my alarm. I sat upright and smiled as I remembered my early appointment. As I showered I realised that my next shower wouldn’t be for at least 2 days, maybe more. I soaped myself all over again. I hadn’t been bothering with deodorant or perfume up until … Read more

“RUNAWAY” Chapter 6 “Discipline”

The intrusion of sunlight into the tractor trailer cab was pretty quick as the sun began to rise as it did most days when the skies were not overcast. When Joseph woke for a moment he was startled, just because he was not used to having someone else in his bed. But as his mind … Read more

Texas freeze – Part 1

Snow, ice and disappearing mercury gripped our home in Texas last Monday morning. Our neighborhood in suburban Fort Worth lost power and the temperature outside fell way below freezing. The wind blew through every crack bringing the chill indoors. Pulling the generator out into six inches of snow was nearly impossible, but I managed. Too … Read more

Shooter Girl Interview

This is a different kind of write up. I thought this would appeal to some people as change is always nice. This story involves an interview related to one of my older stories. I sat down and interviewed my friend. A cute little bar wench or shooter girl who worked at a bar in the … Read more

Worthy Prey

Lysera let out a low grunt as she arched her broad back, feeling the sore and stiff muscles throughout her powerfully built Isiri frame stretch and then relax some, helping to work a bit of life back into her uncomfortable form as her Lessers went about her orders, clearing away the human dead and providing … Read more

The Chronicles of Suzie’s Descent – part 1

The Chronicles of Suzie’s Descent The following story is about 20% true. I’ve obviously changed the names of the people involved. This is a collection of real events, fantasy and experiences that I really wanted to happen. I’m certainly not a writer; so please forgive the typos and/or mistakes. If you like what I’ve written… … Read more