I discover the real me Part 03

Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the earlier parts before reading this. It will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 03 My alarm woke me at 7:45 am and I jumped out of bed. I was looking forward to being naked in … Read more

Candy From Strangers : Prologue

Welcome to Heavens Cove! Located in a quiet corner of New England is the small sea side town of Heaven’s Cove, population 5000. It’s a sleepy town, with a handful of traffic lights. A single cinema, a small police station, a small fire department, small businesses and slow pace of life. It blossoms in the … Read more

What Lena Wants

Hi Lovelies! I hope you enjoy this story. I am hoping to expand upon it with more of Milo and Lena’s relationship, so stay tuned. Xoxo, Cede ——– Growing up, I was the youngest in our family. The only girl on top of that. I had three older brothers, Sam, Peter, and Milo. Sam and … Read more

A Kiss Before We Part

A warm glow in the eastern sky, all pink and reddish-purple, foreshadowed the impending sunrise. Gazing out her window, rubbing her belly, Iris thought of the hot encounter the previous night. Their intimate embraces lingered in Iris’s mind and on her body. His tender loving touch, his subservience, and attention to her needs flickered like … Read more

Teenage Tokyo Street Fighters & Fuckers: Part 1

Bzzzz..” Slap snooze button! “Zzzzzz “Bzzzzzzz…” Slap snooze button again! “Zzzzzzzzzzz…” “Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…” “Oh fuck, I’m going to be late!” This was the way most mornings at the Shannon family started, but this would not be a typical morning. I was at the second floor, most of my clothes already on for school, looking at my … Read more

The Stranger: Part 3

The Stranger: Part 3 “No, there – there’s no way,” Lily sputtered. “My family… I have a family! They’ll wonder where I’m at, and they’ll call the police… they’ll find me. They WILL find me!” “Lily, dear. I’m afraid that’s already been taken care of,” Nicolae said smoothly. “What?” “If I’m correct, your family is … Read more

My girlfriend eats me

“Are you sure you want to do this?”, Emma said and looked at me. “Yes, I’ve never been so sure about anything. I need this.”, I say and lean over to her and give her a kiss. Me and Emma have been together since we both we’re 14 years old. That would make this weekend … Read more

“RUNAWAY” Chapter 5 “Meeting The Belt”

Sammi looked around the cab of the truck. She felt like she was going crazy. She could hardly sleep or let herself daydream without thinking about what Roger had done to her. She questioned if she did the right thing running away because that meant leaving her mom with him. She hadn’t directly seen it … Read more

Slave Part 3

Slave Part 3 Kneeling on the hard floor of the punishment room my body burned and stung all over from the whipping I had just received, my knees and hands were numb against the floor and my whole body ached agonisingly from keeping so still for so long. I was crying silently from the effort … Read more

The Pool

It had been a long process but the pool project was finally finished and it was time to enjoy it… Chris and Megan had always hoped to be able to have this backyard oasis to relax and spend quality time together with family and friends. What had long been a dream quickly became a reality … Read more