Mr. Big Hands

Looking back, it was definitely too much makeup. The outfit could have been a little less bisque, and the black stilettos could have easily been replaced with flats, or simple boots. But it was all a key part in the confidence-building mindset I required. My lips were too red, and my face was like glass, … Read more

First time I had sex_(1)

I had made it through most of my high school years without giving in and having sex. For some reason, although I had pretty much ignored most of the other expectations about myself, I had kept the “keeping myself” lodged in the back of my head. Let me back up a bit. I had started … Read more


Sam paced around the bathhouse changing rooms. His boots squeaked on the white tiled floor he had polished barely an hour ago. He looked across the room toward his tormentor; Rose stood at the main entrance door smirking at his obvious unrest. She calmly readjusted her tight purple button up, undoing one of the top … Read more

Accolades to Jerry Sandusky (Reposted)

I’m reposting, I missed the major theme. Sorry, first story, I’ll get better…I promise. “Good evening young ladies,” I greeted the two of them as I came in the front door. My twelve-year-old daughter Martha and her best buddy Jamie James. Jamie was staying the night; her mother had a date and expected to be … Read more

Loving Ronnie

“Come here to me”, she said softly; reaching out to draw him down beside her. She smiled softly as he settled in next to her on their bed. Six years of marriage, and she still reveled in the feel of his warm skin against hers. She reached up to touch his face, lightly running her … Read more

Popping Janes Cherry

“Ahhh ahhh mmm, come on” I mumbled to myself, while I was masturbating before I had to go to work. I was never able to cum, to orgasm at this point in my life and I was 22-years-old. I didn’t understand why I couldn’t cum already. I tried everything to achieve it, but nothing worked … Read more

Welcome to the neighborhood

Ben Garland awoke early with an aching back. He scowled at the sleeping bag on the bare hardwood floor. He looked at the clock, in a few hours the movers will be here with his bed, and other furniture. With a groan he stood up, and started digging through the few boxes he had with … Read more


Jenna had chosen a pretty simple life. She had the looks that could have quickly landed her a job as a Victoria’s Secret model. But instead, she chose to stay with her Damien, her “brother,” at his little diner. Okay, so they weren’t really related, she and Damien been best friends since their freshman year … Read more


When I read erotica, one of the things that most interest me is the first time stories; the tales of people losing their virginity. Most of these are, frankly, fairly silly. Some few are well written and even highly erotic, but unrealistic. Only a few ring true. I lost my virginity, to a boy, at … Read more

I discover the real me Part 01

Part 01 When I was growing up clothes weren’t something that I rushed to put on each day, except in winter. I just never saw the point, I mean it was warm enough to go without and it meant more washing for mum. Both mum and dad were always telling me, “Dani, go and put … Read more

Lady in White

I could see her standing in the window of the hotel room, all I could see was a flowing white figure. She was watching me as I got things out of my car, walking back into the hotel I took the elevator to the 17th floor. I walked slowly down the corridor toward her room. … Read more

The CEO’s Unusual Retirement Party

Graham Paxton was a very successful businessman who, in the 25 years that he built his business empire, had developed it to make it worth billions. Unfortunately that was at the cost of his wife who hated the long hours that he worked and she left him with a daughter (Siobhan) who Graham sent to … Read more

Breakthrough 1 – My nephew

My nephew Bobby reached the age of consent a couple months ago. He actually had two parties, one with friends and one with family, though nobody mentioned the age of consent thing. It was at the latter party that I had a chance to talk to him quietly off to the side. “Well, Bobby, what’s … Read more