Jordan – Chapter 1

Jordan was 14 years old when she first learned about sex in school. The health teachers used scare tactics to try to keep them from ever having sex; they taught nothing except for abstinence. According to their teacher, no form of birth control was effective enough to protect against everything, and there were many things … Read more

The Room Down the Hall

Danielle wasn’t ready for this type of change. Having people other than her mother living with them wasn’t something she wanted to experience just yet. She was already stressed out with two months left of high school; college acceptance letters were coming in, prom was around the corner and her graduation plans were already stressing … Read more

Getting Wet With My Crush

I am a mature married woman and although I have been tempted many times, I have never cheated before. It’s easier to be good now that I have gotten older, but I still get some interesting offers. I am a tall brunette with green eyes and a curvy figure. I fantasize about sex all the … Read more

Hunting the Hunter

Skyler An Sommer, loved the way the ocean breeze felt against her body, how it whipped her hair around as she ran down the beach near the water. She loved the way the beach smelled. Loved how the wet sand beneath her shoes sank a little with each foot step she took. She looked at … Read more

Teasing an Elderly Man in Hawaii

I used to go on work trips with my dad during the summer because he would go to a bunch of fun places. One of the best times I had was in Hawaii. I spent hours alone on the beach drinking all the virgin pina coladas I could get my hands on and was working … Read more

Drug raped

As she slowly regained conciousness, Kaya opened her eyes and tried to figure out what was happening. She didn’t see much at first, but as soon as her eyes got used to the shadowy darkness in the room, she noticed five or six guys standing next to her, naked. Unfortunately, that wasn’t all. Her senses … Read more

Roll in the Leaves

Rachel sighed and looked up at the clock for the 100th time since she sat down. Why she had decided to take night classes after working a full day? She glanced down at her notebook and realized she had stopped taking notes about half an hour before. “Alright, that’s enough for tonight,” Rachel’s professor said. … Read more

Georgia Part 11

Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the previous parts. It will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 11 It was still only mid-morning so I had to decide what to do for the day. As I’d spent quite a lot of time … Read more

The Abduction of Selah-Continued

*I am in no way saying I support rape. This is simply for the enjoyment of readers* The Abduction of Selah I in no way support rape this is just a piece of fiction intended to pleasure people. it is not in support of rape. Selah was the perfect young woman. Even for a sixteen … Read more

The Bestiality Sisters – Part 1: Barbie Fucks a Puppy

Prologue Getting old is never fun, especially when you’re a woman. Men get more distinguished. Women just get old. At least most women do. I am one of the lucky few that fall into the MILF category. When I first heard the term I was outraged. Now I relish being referred to as such. It’s … Read more