‘The Sweetest Thing’ – Part I

This is my first story. It will be in multiple parts. Criticism, constructive or otherwise, is welcomed. Compliments too…. I was a student at Princeton University when I started working for the Slaters as their kids’ nanny. Don, a very successful attorney at a prestigious law firm, with a dominant, take-charge personality was in his … Read more

Hell Hath No Fury…Ch2

Hell Hath No Fury… Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, and poor Derrick had yet to come to that conclusion. He’d get his in due time, Gabby and Jacob would see to that. Before work Gabby stopped to purchase a replacement cellphone, since she’d destroyed hers the previous night in a fit of … Read more

The Immortal Kiss

It was supposed to be a trip home that would make me forget. All we had to do was drive home from Seattle where we attended college at the University of Washington. It was around a 4 hour drive that had a few detours thanks to the storm that had just passed through. My best … Read more

Into the oven

“So… are we going to do our thanksgiving tradition this year?” Jessica asked sitting across the table from Stacey, “Um sure, what tradition is that?” Stacey asked not really paying attention as she had her nose stuck in a book Jessica had made for her with the printings of over a dozen dolcett stories downloaded … Read more

A Chance Encounter Part IV

Chance Encounter Part IV Later that Morning around 1030 AM Marie rolled over, and cuddled against the warmth she felt, when she opened her eyes and saw Jer, She was a little startled. Then she remembered where she was and what they had done most of the night, and smiled. Getting up she went into … Read more

A Source of Warmth by

His name was Thomas Saniuqa. They’d just wheeled him in on a bed at 4.50pm. Damn it, that means I’m working overtime on my own AGAIN. I grumbled as I looked at his profile on the clipboard. Hmm, thirty-five years old and still unmarried? He was evidently very successful, too – CEO of a fairly … Read more

Twelve to One

I go to my bedroom. Sex is in my head. I look over, to see no one in my bed. I slide off my pants with a winch of my waist. My shirt tug over my face. The tinge around my breasts slowly leave. No one is here for me to please. I lay down … Read more

Trophy Girlfriend Part 3

Part 3 FRIDAY That Friday evening, Caleb told Cora that the guys were breaking the sequence of watching a football match at each of the guy’s houses in sequence and again doing it at their house. “Does that mean we will be playing the games as well?” Cora asked. “Of course, it’s what you wanted … Read more

Belonging to Him

The telephone rings and she instantly feels herself getting wet when she sees his number on the screen. “I want you to come over and come inside when you get here” he commands and hangs up without waiting for her reply. She glances in the mirror to make sure she looks acceptable and gets in … Read more

Special Bond-Long Weekend at the Lake Chapt 1-27 (Revised)

A SPECIAL BOND Long Weekend at the Lake ___________________________________ No institution or agency may use this work for other than the intended purpose – to provide personal entertainment. All characters are fictional. This is a work of fiction. Of fantasy. It’s called ‘My Right of Free Speech.’ If you do not approve of youngsters engaged … Read more

Seducing Her Best Friend’s Daughter

That evening after dinner Margo sat in front of the fire in her drawing room and waited while her husband busied himself upstairs packing the technical necessities for his business trip. She had already completed her share of this task, assembling his shirts and pants. She held a book in her hands, but one page … Read more

The Last Supper with Brandon James

I am in love with Brandon James. He is the embodiment of the Greek God Helios, the Sun God, standing at six foot even, one hundred and ninety pounds of muscular toned physique with golden curls and eyes the color of the ocean. He has been the main attraction of my spank bank since my … Read more

The Story of Ann Chapter 2: My Life on the Farm

The Story of Ann Chapter 2: My Life on the Farm I had been shipped off to be raised by my grandmother Mary at the age of sixteen. My mother had disowned me due to me having sex with her live in boy friend that I called Uncle Bill. Grandma Mary was an understanding person … Read more

Raping Pam.

This story was written entirely by the poster verywet. I am only posting the story for her. Pam was being a bitch to Jerry her neighbour. Turning him down when he asked her out, and making fun of him calling him a limp dick. Jerry decided to get revenge and asked his cousin Mona to … Read more