
The night air was cold, almost biting through the hoodie I had on. The flames of the campfire whipped back and forth fighting it off, but the heat was barely enough to stave off the chill. “Looks like a storm is coming.” Within seconds of my dad speaking those words, the sky opened up and … Read more

A day at the office part 1

Papers papers papers ugh! I’m at the office again waiting for my fax to go through so I can make my way to the company lunch room. Sitting one leg across the other my stiletto heel hovered just above a stack of papers piled on the floor. There was so much to do! Lost In … Read more

Being owned – Part 7

My owner was early this morning. I had just sat down with my second coffee. In his hand he held a small bag. “Come over here.” I got up and crossed over to him, nervous. What did this mean? Without explanation he opened the bag, pulled out a thick leather collar and four thick leather … Read more

Alien Sex

He forced his way onto her, blindly prodding her with his depraved cock. He had no care other than to get it in. For Akemi, there was no escape, two men pinned her arms and head down while two more grappled with her legs to give the fifth player access. The head of his cock … Read more

katherine meets her Daddy pt. 2

Walking up to the room on the note she lightly knocks on the door and steps back to wait. The door opens suddenly, and she is briefly blinded as her eyes adjust to the light as she feels a strong and rough hand grab her upper arm and pull her in then hears the door … Read more

Puppy slave girl

The Puppy slave.. She was only 23, but knew her place. Master had taken her in off the streets when she was only 17 and trained her to be all his. She knew tonight was Wednesday and it was the night that she was to be Masters puppy. He had trained her to be waiting … Read more

Helena’s Nightmare

Helena’s Nightmare Helena slept heavily, her long blonde tresses dangling over the edge of the bed as she sprawled across the double mattress. A groan escaped from her lips as she woke uncomfortably, the feeling of a weight pressing down on her stomach and ribs disturbing her. As her eyes flickered open it seemed, in … Read more

katherine begins her journey pt. 1

Growing up to a single mom had been difficult at times for katherine and she had always been drawn to father figures lacking one in her own life. A natural born dancer just like her mother but shy and with few friends. Standing just 4’10 and with a dancer’s physique of a smaller B cup … Read more

Adult Passion- The Continueing Story of New Beginnings

Adult Passions – A family that plays together…. If you haven’t read my Young Passion and Young Adult Passion series yet. Look Up my old account Author name PASSIONFRUIT. I lost my account password so I can’t access it anymore. This story is the first part of the THIRD SERIES. Hope you like. I have … Read more

Blackmailing Vengeance (Re-edited)

Blackmailing Vengeance I always knew how I wanted my life to be. I wanted an easy life. Marry some rich guy who would fulfill my wishes and do whatever I wanted for the rest of my life. It would be really simple to obtain, looking as good as I knew I did. People used to … Read more

Calm down and cooperate

Elizabeth fished her key out of her purse, waving at her upstairs neighbors who waved back before walking into their home. She walked around the staircase to her front door catching her reflection in her neighbor-across-the-way’s kitchen window. Elizabeth was 5’3, porcelain skinned, slender, had long blonde hair, blue almond shaped eyes and lush pink … Read more

3D Radio

My pen-name is Rachael Wright, and I love sexual fantasies. I began enjoying them when I was teen, and I married a man who learned to enjoy them with me. Eventually I started jotting down the ideas so that I could put a favorite fantasy aside for awhile, knowing that I’d be able to come … Read more


MONDAY Hi baby, I promised I would email you while I am away, 1,000 miles from home staying with my old friend Rachel for almost two weeks. She is the same age as me, forty-four, a good age for women. Rachel is as attractive as ever. You keep reminding me, most women are in their … Read more

Jodie’s Slaves Part Two

Chapter 3 Long ride home, Seeds of desire, Barb I felt every step Joeboy was taking as Jodi…Mistress Jodi …lead us the last half mile back towards the house. Each footfall sends throbs of pain and humiliation through me. After the ordeal at the old farmstead she had told me we would ride in silence … Read more

A Surprising Occurrence

When you think about a normal yacht ride with a few of your close friends, rape doesn’t usually come to mind. I mean think about it, everyone there are friends and trust each other so why the hell would rape even be an option. Ah well there are those rare occasions when things go horribly … Read more