Boy meets Girl (Part 1)

Boy meets girl, Girl meets boy Its been almost 2 weeks since me and my mom moved into our new house. Things have been going pretty well so far, I can’t really complain. I met some new people in the area that seem pretty cool,but only one in specific caught my attention. His name is … Read more

Family Sexy Time Made Me a Play Toy (1)

Growing up I had an older step brother, Brian, he was the horny bastard that introduced me to sex. Back when his dad first started dating my mum, we would have to share a room when they stayed over. I will never forget the first weekend we experimented and I became his little play toy. … Read more

A Fair Fuck

“Are you fucking Jessie, are you fucking my girlfriend?” Jill shouted, “Are you Lily, are you fucking your own mother’s girlfriend! Tell me the truth…now!” Jill stood over her daughter, her hands on her full hips over a stylish raincoat. Jill looked down on her daughter, who nervously flipped through a fashion magazine, her back … Read more

Unwanted attention – Chapter 17

Chapter 17 I woke up this morning with a bit of a head ache. Not sure why, but I feel that it had something to do with last night’s events. As I lied in bed, waiting for the headache to go away, random scenes from yesterday were flashing back through my confused adolescent mind. That … Read more

The Club, Ch. 4, Chastity Belt

The Club Chapter 4 – Chastity Belt We stopped for a quick bite to eat. I was embarrassed to go in dressed as I was but I obeyed Mr. Savage. I did feel beautiful and sexy, just very vulnerable at the same time. He ordered for me. He knew what I liked. He knew everything … Read more


I woke up in an unfamiliar place, naked. As I opened my eyes, I could see nothing but darkness. The lights were turned off, off course. I had a headache, intoxication. Although I was warm and under some covers, I could feel the cold breath of someone behind me, on my neck. I got goosebumps … Read more

my brothers join in part 5

My mother stood beside the chair dad was in with eyes bulging from her brown face tented red with anger. She was pissed to say the least. My little brother, Justin was barely outside of the glass doors. He was also shocked but remained silent by the sliding doors. “What the fuck, Joseph! You’re naked … Read more


“Tempting, very tempting, let’s see,” I teased as we kissed passionately. I described this three-way in my story JILLIAN SEDUCES SARAH. A few weeks later my man is away on business and I am lonely and very horny, I haven’t had sex for more than a week, so I decide to take Jillian up on … Read more

Trophy Girlfriend Part 4

Part 4 “How are you holding up Cora?” Caleb asked. “Is there just one more round?” Cora asked. “Yes, the spanking. You’ve never been spanked before, no one will think any the less of you if you quit now.” “No, no, I want to, I need to find out if spanking will make me cum.” … Read more

The babysitter returns

Her name was Daphne, and she was easily the hottest girl he had ever seen, including the multitude of groupies whom had thrown themselves at him during his brief career as a professional football player. The never-ending stream of pussies had dried up like a thin trickle of water in the desert after the car … Read more

My Cousin’s Husband

Have you ever been so drunk, that you do something you know you shouldn’t do? That you’ve been fighting with yourself not to do? Yeah, that’s where I’m at right now. The night started out well. I went over to my cousin’s house, grabbing a few things to drink on the way. I wasn’t a … Read more

Forcing the Teacher-Part 1

*A teen tried to black mail his teacher for sex but winds up raping her instead. The story is based on fantasy only* *A teen tried to black mail his teacher for sex but winds up raping her instead. The story is based on fantasy only* Chapter 1 I was in my 2nd year of … Read more