Grandpa’s Lessons

“So, are you going to tell me or not?” Bri asked me. Again. I was sleeping in her house, that night and we were drinking tequila from a bottle her older brother had gotten her after she covered for him last month when he got home from a party completely wasted. We were both already … Read more

Fuckin’ Soldiers – Part 1: Recruits Gone Wild

Barbie Lez has always been exceptionally smart. At age eight, two things in her life were certain; she was a lesbian and she would become a US Marine. As usual, it did not take long for Barbie to tell her best friend April about it. Both friends were stunned when April came to a shocking … Read more

Part 9; Such a Whore

I appreciate all the ratings and comments. This story picks up right after my last one, anyone reading would get a better understanding of this story by reading my prior stories first. Enjoy. Some say we are a product of our sorroundings, I know I am. Women have been traumatized by their sexual experiences, I … Read more

How I Became a Slave to Black Cock

I am a first year teacher at a poor urban school. The administration is unsupportive, the kids are delinquents, their parents don’t care, and I’m started to get burned out with teaching. Despite the insanity of working at this school, nothing has surprised me more than my white, middle class coworkers. While maintaining the external … Read more

Breeder Chapter 1

Luna is a young 18 year old girl. She hasn’t masturbated before, but she knows of masturbation and tried to before but she hasn’t had the guts to carry through with it, but now that she’s 18 she is more interested in having sex and doing things with other people. Or rather… demons. She just … Read more

Showing my Sister Part 1

Part 01 There is something about the relationship between Mary and her older brother Zack that you just can’t put your finger on. Usually they are just like your average brother and sister but sometimes there’s something between them that I’m having real trouble describing. I’ve considered words like atmosphere, tone, energy, connection, karma, love, … Read more

A Last Breath Part 1 An introduction

It hurt. Breathe… in and out, in and out. Slowly the pain becomes manageable and she shakes her head disparagingly. She knew better, had done this enough times to learn, to learn she couldnt rush after they cut the monster from her flesh. The padding held in place with surgical tape stains a dark crimson, … Read more

Hunting the Hunter(Part Two)

The past three days Skyler has managed not to run into the SEAL when she went on her morning runs, when pulling out of her parking spot she’d sometimes see him. Seeing him made her want to park her car and act like she was barely going out for a run even though she’s already … Read more


It’s been about a month and a half since I first met up with Mica and Lisa. We all had such a great time the first meet up that we’ve continued to see each other each week. They would pick me up, take my back to their apartment and we would fuck on and off … Read more

My First Bestiality Experience: The Dog

All families have secrets. Some are small. Some are big. Some are so extreme minds are blown and relationships forever altered at the mere mention of them. That is the kind of secret my family had been keeping from me for the past eighteen years. It was my birthday. My eighteenth birthday. As all young … Read more

Jay and Amy part 4

Jay and Amy part 4 “Open your eyes baby,” I try snuggling back into the warm spot but then I’m move onto my back. “Baby, you’re killing me,” why does Jay keep talking while I’m sleeping. “Babe,” I finally I open my eyes and Jay’s above me with a strain expression. “What’s wrong?” I ask. … Read more


We arrived at the resort around 7 p.m. and headed straight to the reception area. They assigned us a ground floor room, tucked away at the back of the resort and surrounded by trees. A tall, young man in his mid-twenties, who introduced himself as our waiter, carried our luggage and showed us to our … Read more

Fuckin’ Dog – Part 1: The Cousin

—Prologue— I live in a world you may not understand. Call me a liar if you like, but do not be surprised if I remain unfazed. I have been called far worse. But the purpose of this story is not to debate the laws of nature. I have put pen to paper for one reason … Read more