Do as I say or he goes to jail

I have been writing stories for fun. This is the first story that I have sent in to be published. I hope to hear that some of you like it. Do as I say or he goes to jail‏ Blackmail, oral, masturbation, wife Dennis walked in from the garage door at 2 o’clock even thought … Read more

Striking Gold.

Striking Gold. by Zvogel For my last birthday Maggie surprised me by telling me she will fulfil one of my fantasies, she’s arranged a for a portfolio of studio photos of her, you know the usual type, given a makeover, dressed in a sexy dress and posed in provocative poses. As it ‘s my birthday … Read more

Some Guy is Fucking My Wife?

Some Guy is Fucking my Wife? __I got home from work. Stuck in the door handle was a letter. It had my name, ‘Brad’ written on it. I went in the house. I heard the shower running. My wife had the day off so she must be getting ready to have some hot sex tonight. … Read more

Wives of Africa part 3

“Hi Sarah this is Ulu.” Sarah was delighted to hear from her clanswoman. “I’m good except for that stupid white bitch. She’s driving me crazy. She looks down her nose at us as though we were something nasty on her shoe. Except when she’s staring at Simon’s crotch or Andrew’s.” “That’s what I wanted to … Read more

Couples Therapy Ch 2

Chapter Two The next few days were not what I expected. Renee seemed to be back to her distant self and was withdrawn from me. When I finally got her to talk, she told me that she felt dirty and ashamed by her actions the other night. I assured her she had nothing to feel … Read more

Texas freeze – Part 1

Snow, ice and disappearing mercury gripped our home in Texas last Monday morning. Our neighborhood in suburban Fort Worth lost power and the temperature outside fell way below freezing. The wind blew through every crack bringing the chill indoors. Pulling the generator out into six inches of snow was nearly impossible, but I managed. Too … Read more

A Family Betrayal Chapter 39 alternate ending

It’s been a weird couple of weeks since Father’s Day. My family has been coming together supporting one another. There has been a few other changes which have caught my eyes…Simone and Vanessa. Both have well been flirting with me, and showing me affection other then a niece to her uncle. I have been a … Read more

First my boss and then the receptionist

I had just gotten back to the office from a late lunch meeting with a senior client and was quiet please with how everything had played out. I was sure the deal was final and we were guaranteed some additional business here on the west coast once all of the paper work was signed. I … Read more

Magical Hearts chapter 5

I held Isabel’s hand as I heard the beginnings of Justin’s magic, I had time to grown but not much more than that before I am awaken in the morning. The Wedding Day: Chapter 5. Isabel is kissing my hand. She says to the curtain, “That was the longest night of my life, even with … Read more

Stacy the tease

This was written by my husband about a very dear friend of mine who really is a dreadful tease. For all you teases out there…you will get yours hehehehhe hope you enjoy comments welcomed. We were sitting around one night when a friend Stacy called wanting to party. Let me tell you about her she … Read more

Wife Touches Buddy (5)

A month had passed since the big Halloween party and the sexual debauchery that followed later that night with me, my wife and buddy, Anthony… I had some work to do on my deck/patio area that was a two-man job, so I asked Anthony to help. We started early on a Saturday morning to try … Read more

My wife and best friend by

My wife and best friend My best friend Chris invited Paulene and me up to his apartment for one of our frequent get-away trips with him. We had done this many times before. This time would be different however. As usual in the evenings we were sitting around his fireplace on duvets and blankets the … Read more

Farewell Lunch

Farewell Lunch 1 Chapter 1 Red Light – Green Light Diana’s office was anything but uptight. It was the Eighties and everyone was still enjoying the sexual revolution, so things were pretty loose around the office. Women in the office environment were shedding the dusty image of the 1950’s receptionist and were working in jobs … Read more

A Teenager’s Revenge Part 1

Kelly Willis checked herself out in the mirror behind the door, in the apartment she and her mom lived in together. She slowly turned around and peered over her shoulder. She was wearing the tightest and shortest of cut-off jeans imaginable, cut way up on her hips, and providing a glimpse of her hot pink … Read more

The Tune Up

This is a consensual spanking story based on reality. It is actually a composite of stories from several different women. No one woman is the woman telling this story, but some of the themes of this story will resonate with many different women with emotional barrier issues. As Jack Webb used to say on Dragnet, … Read more