Things get wild in Africa

Things Get Wild In Africa Part One Fiction, anal, black, blowjob, female female, first time, group sex, male female, oral, teen, water sports Back in the fifties and sixties, my father worked in Tanganyika or Tanzania as it’s now called. I was then twenty, I was in the British army, based in the UK and … Read more

The 2300 Gathering_(1)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CHAPTER 1 : Flight to London >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> “LAST CALL FOR FLIGHT 1624 NON-STOP TO LONDON HEATHROW AIRPORT!” “Shit!” I ran down the terminal in Atlanta to catch my flight to England. My last flight from Florida arrived late and I barely had any time to run to my next gate to catch my connecting … Read more

Raising Peter, Chapter Ten

Raising Peter, Chapter 10 (How it all cum together) ****************************************************************************************** This is a total work of fiction. The story includes incest bi-sexual, group sex, and water sports, among other things. If you are offended by any of these, this is not the story for you. If you’re reading just to make smart remarks about the … Read more


Natalie flipped the bed covers off her head in frustration. “Jen, it’s late. Can we please turn off the light?” “Just a few more pages,” her sister Jenny insisted, thumbing over to the next chapter. Natalie gave an exaggerated sigh. She didn’t normally mind sharing a bedroom with her older sister, but her habit of … Read more