Taking Sarah,Part Three

Taking Sarah, Part Three The plan. Now that Cindy was onboard, we needed to look at the situation and pick the best course for success and also to avoid any problems as we were venturing into taboo territory. I guess a bit about Sarah’s personality gave us a blueprint for the seduction as we called … Read more

Brad and Cassie chapter 2

Chapter two Brad walked into the small kitchen, and preheated the oven. Cassie joined him in the room as he was taking the lasagna out of the fridge that their Grandma had left them for dinner. “Want something to drink?” Cassie asked as Brad was unboxing the lasagna. “Sure, soda is fine.” Brad answered back. … Read more

Lust 4

After finding cum all over the seat where my daughter was sitting, I got a text from her saying she was now watching a movie in her brother’s room. “Is your friend still awake?” “No, She past out drunk so I put her in my room” “So you’re alone with your brother now?” “Yes ;)” … Read more

FemDom Traing Club part 2

Part 2 To pick up where I left off I was getting ready for the second meeting of the club and this is what I did to get ready. Saturday came and I had CUB up and working early while I took a long hot bath and then had him to put on a pair … Read more

A Young Girl’s Adventures with Rape – Part Two

It was late one night when both my parents were out that the urges finally became too strong. It happened while I was lying on my bed, running my hands over myself and moaning. I had the duct tape and the zip ties laid out before me, along with an eye mask I had stolen … Read more

tina’s pussy

Tina is my internet slut, she is a hot blonde that i had been dying to meet (and eat). We would e mail our kinky ideas most nights and play with ourselves on line. She was older than me by two years being 28 and me 26. We met in a local chat room and … Read more

Incestuous Harem 18: Bred

Clint Elliston Shock and pleasure shot through me, my cock unloading a final squirt of cum into Lee’s hungry mouth as Melody kissed me and hugged me. My mind didn’t want to work. I had one half-sister swallowing my cum, after swallowing my piss, and the other kissing me, hugging me, excited by the news … Read more

Raj and mila part II

We all got ready to look around Liverno City. It was almost noon time. Before we go out, Nila Used my ‘One sim card’ mobile to call her friend along with their parents in a’telecom’call to convince them. We disembarked from the ship but, the weather was not so favorable. We walked through the shopping … Read more

My Dirty Little Secret (4)

Loving everything about this, guys 🙂 There are some references to Halloween in here, because I intentionally planned to release this chapter near the day XD However, in later chapters, I might fast forward to Christmas season etc. before it actually arrives because none of us are patient enough to wait weeks for chapters 😉 … Read more

The Passion Of Two Friends- Chapter 2

To my surprise, Rod began to slip his pants off. My heart started to race uncontrollably. He started to take his underwear off when he stopped and looked at me. “Ken, I need to jack-off. Please go downstairs.” “Come on man, we are best friends, just do it in front of me. I don’t mind.” … Read more

Dad’s Porno Magazines: Chapter 3: James Loses His Virginity

After the three of them got cleaned up, they went to their respective rooms to recover. James laid on his bed, reliving the events that had transpired today. He thought about how it felt when he had jacked off, and the intense pleasure running through him as he came. He remembered what it tasted like … Read more