Cousin Bob. Part 1

“Honey, you’ll be good for Uncle Lou and Aunt Reese right?” Mom asked half rhetorically. “Yes, mom I’ll be good.” I said as she kissed my forehead then jumped into the car, dad only yelling bye and waving before peeling out of Uncle Lou’s driveway and speeding off in the direction of the airport. “Sweetie … Read more


“What made you say that Kelly? What have I done to you,” I asked. “Two of my girlfriends have had you, they told me all about it in glowing terms. My twenty-year old stepson has watched you and your man making love, fucking, while he was naked. He is still talking about it and the … Read more


I hadn’t met Toni before, I was immediately impressed with her looks and very comfortable in her presence. She was a very attractive honey blond, inches taller than most women, a good size 12, dressed in skin tight, black leather slacks, and a white blouse. I couldn’t take my eyes off her wide hips and … Read more

Fiona the office whore…..Her first month

The following weeks for Fiona where totally different to her normal working life. After she became the office whore with my help and encouragement, in a humiliating and degrading way which I’ve previously written about, her working life was never to be the same at this company. This instalment from the family of whores describes … Read more

Voyages of Kes

Terms: Star Trek Voyager was a Sci-Fi TV show in the 90’s about a space ship trapped in unfamiliar part of space far from Earth and struggling to get home. Kes was an alien from a species called Ocampa. She had large pointy ears and a blonde pixie hair cut. She had very large breasts … Read more

Living with Cherrie…

A long, rainy working day came to its end as John tiredly climbed the last few steps to his apartment. Unlock, towards the fridge, grab a can of beer, and relax. That’s what he thought his evening would be like, just a plain Monday evening. But as he walked past his roommate’s dormitory he saw … Read more

A Present for Momma_(1)

“A PRESENT FOR MOMMA” CHAPTER TWO: People at the home health office began to notice the same kind of changes going on with Momma that I first noticed when she told me about Johnny. Even though she was always fun to be around, they knew the torment that my father had put her through. They … Read more

Falling in love with a sex addict – Shruti

Chapter 1 (2 YEARS BACK) My name is dilip. I was 27 years old when it all started. I worked as a tester in a software company in Chennai. We were a small team of 6 people : I , Pandian, Santosh, Bharath, Shruti and Aarthi. Pandian – He was a senior engineer. He is … Read more


“My client has offered to arrange an escort to take her to dinner, an offer she was most amenable to as long as the escort was at least ten-years younger than her. Are you available at short notice Michael?,” my agent Ada asked. “Tell me some more about her Ada, does she have any special … Read more


“Are you with me so far? Now listen closely. Shay has two men in toe, Kai and Ajax, just boys really, both in their early twenties, half her age, her Personal Assistants she told me, who she wants to include them in the arrangements. They are both pretty boys with good bodies, I just sent … Read more


She took great delight in reminding me of some of the male lovers we had shared at the same time a few years ago. A common thread with all of the men we shared, ‘fucked at the same time,’ to use Judith’s words, was they were all five to ten years younger than us, were … Read more

love your neighbour

Charlie adjusted his outside microphones. Their main purpose was to pick up bird song from his back yard but they were sensitive enough to hear whatever was going on in his young neighbour’s bedroom. Not much recently he’d noted. If only he was forty odd years younger he’d teach Jenny a thing or two. Ian … Read more

Counting Hitler’s Balls

“Good morning everyone, This is the BBC Foreign service, This morning we are bringing you a broadcast from the Games, that is the 1938 Olympic games, held here in Munich Germany, I am Mr Chomondley – Warrinder and this is my assistant Greystone. This morning we have the rifle shooting. The contestants are here just … Read more

The Free-Use Bible: Book of Genesis 1

See the link in my profile to find all my stories and more chapters to this story. DISCLAIMERS I often write from the perspective of the VILLAIN. That means I don’t agree with his choices, and you’re not supposed to either. We’re all acknowledging he is wrong. Obviously nothing he does should ever be done … Read more


I am Michael, in my late twenties, 72 inches tall, 168 pounds, a toned, fit body and genetically lucky to possess a large, thick cock, ten-inches when erect. I live in Sydney, Australia and used to moonlight as a gigolo or male escort. That was before Ada asked me to work for her ‘exclusive agency’. … Read more


“Is that really true, or fake news?,” she asks disbelievingly. “What is it you talk about while he is kissing and licking your naked ass?,” she asked as a verbal voyeur would. “We talk about sex, fucking, sexual pleasure and our sexual fantasies,” I told her pleased at her reaction, determined to ascertain her sexuality. … Read more

My Smoky Ladies – chapter 3

– I looked into making a website and was surprised how easy it had become. I set up a video poll. Viewers would see short clips of females smoking cigarettes and rate how much they liked them. They needed to enter generic data about themselves, their gender, age, and if they smoked or not. I … Read more