Best.Girlfriend.Ever II

This story picks up the following morning after fucking my girlfriend’s little sister for the first time. Enjoy and let me know what you think. *************************************** After fucking my girlfriend’s little sister for the first on the living room floor the night before, the three of us made our way to their parents bedroom to … Read more

8- My High School Sweetheart’s Little Sister -pt. 8 (Practicing with Stacy / Poolside)

. ————————— Part 8: Practicing w/Stacy————————— I tried to bury myself in school and work in the weeks after the “pool party” at Stacy’s house. I was working evenings during the week, and Saturdays too. But I found it hard to concentrate on anything since my mind was either filled with visions of those two young … Read more

Solomon’s Daughters: Megan’s Chapter

Author’s Note: To answer several pm’s I am not going to stop writing Solomon’s Daughters or Fall of Paradise series. Last weekend I didn’t have time to write one for SD so I didn’t post one. I am currently writing a story for a few of my friends so until that is finished the FoP … Read more

Apocaliptic Lovers Mann

Apocalyptic Lovers It was a beautiful spring day in Atlanta, Georgia. The sun was out, a few puffy clouds were drifting by in the heavens, the temperature was warm, and a light breeze was blowing. It was too perfect a day to think of the disaster looming in the near future. That impending disaster was … Read more

Bait and Switch Ch. 07

Thanks to AJ & MT for their insightful edits. =================================== ‘It seemed like any other Monday, except for the whispers and stares I received as I walked around campus. In one way it was an improvement, no one calling me dweeb, or nerd, but it was also a little disturbing. Had someone discovered my ability? … Read more