Sam 6

Drivas awoke with a major headache plus the amount of voices she was hearing. Sitting up she concentrated as hard as she could feeling half the voices start to fade. Trying again she pushed harder feeling another third of what was left fade. Looking over at the other table she saw that Thellus was still … Read more

Lost Empire 31

“Derrick?” Shelby questioned a few moments after Jan and Ellen had shut down to rest. “Is anything wrong Shelby?” Derrick asked after hearing the hesitation in Shelby’s voice. “No, it’s not so much as anything is wrong though I do have a question.” Shelby again hesitantly said. “You know that you can ask me anything … Read more

Lost Empire 36

Hartwell looked at the micro-generator reading, the shield was starting to tax the generator. Damn it! He couldn’t kill these bastards fast enough! Where had this ass gotten this many men that were as loyal as they were? Touching the other thin badge like apparatus, Hartwell smiled when it hummed and he appeared a mile … Read more

Lost Empire 42

0001 – Tempro 0003 – Conner 0097 – Ace 0098 – Lucy 0101 – Shelby (mother ship) 0125 – Lars 0200 – Ellen 0301 – Rodrick 0403 – Johnathon 0667 – Marco 0778 – Jan 0798 – Celeste 0908 – Tara 0999 – Zan 1000 – Sherry Duke Risen’s eyes went wide as he read … Read more

Sam 26

Solar time unit = year planetary time unit = day Even as Sam’s eyes narrowed, his mind starting to push, he was shocked when he started to receive images. Images of a beautiful, tranquil, peaceful word. Suddenly one of the arachnid beings started to groan, please stop I can’t take much more. Sam immediately slammed … Read more

Sam 27

Solar time unit = year planetary time unit = day Sam was again reaching out, feeling the powerful Tetricon as it accelerated away. He wasn’t sure just who this was, he’d already met the four new minds. He could tell it wasn’t the doctor, a small smile came to his lips. It also had a … Read more

Lost Empire 21

List of Ships/Names: 0001 – Tempro; 0101 – Shelby (mother ship); 1000 – Sherry 0003 – Conner; 0798 – (still growing); 0098 – Lucy (missing); 0999 – Zan; ——————————————————————————————————————————— “Sherry?! You were called Sherry?” Still somewhat in shock Derrick could only stare at the hologram of the young woman. “Why yes Sire,” the slender brown … Read more


Alan pulled the leader of the squad inside his shield, the squad though confused continued its onslaught. Not wanting to play with them all day Alan let loose a blast knocking all of the squad out. Clearing their minds and blocking all outside thoughts. Alan had reached the last one when the Fairixie stared straight … Read more

Lost Empire 24

0001 – Tempro 0003 – Conner 0097 – Ace 0098 – Lucy(un-grown) 0101 -Shelby (mothership) 0798 – Celeste 0999 – Zan 1000 – Sherry Though he was only a very minor noble, Baron John Talbert was scared. He was still wondering why he’d been singled out by the Rangers and the Emperor. Shaking he remembered … Read more

Sam 24

Sam was still smiling when he felt Queen Triada’s thoughts. {Are you well? We felt a great evil advancing upon the planet. Though, it seems that you reacted far faster than any of the triad could. Surprised Sam replied, {I’d have thought you faster with as many of the minds that you have making up … Read more


Alan awoke hours later rubbing his face he looked around the room, “Hopix?” he said on the outside chance she was back. Dejected he hung his head, he was glad she was back with her family but all of this seemed senseless without her, huh? Had he just thought that? I should slap myself Alan … Read more

Lost Empire 15

Derrick was fighting to open his eyes ugh! He felt like he’d been kicked a few times and possibly run over. For some strange reason he felt he needed to be mad at Mary when he woke up but for the life of him he couldn’t seem to remember why. It was at that moment … Read more

Sam 15

{Queen Triada?} Came the elders’ thoughts. {We had heard that you and your world had fallen.} {That was a falsehood. As you can tell I and my world are quite well. Thanks to Sam our triad is also whole again, Sam has already freed two of your corner worlds. I am hoping he can yours … Read more

Bait and Switch Retype – Ch 03-04_(0)

Friend’s note: I must apologize for not being clearer before. The man you all knew as Dark_Brother, is dead. I wish I could say that he died valiantly in a blaze of glory, but that is only partially true. A cowardly IED (roadside bomb) exploded outside our vehicle. I’m, sorry, this is hard to type, … Read more

The Maintenance Man another repair 4

Mark’s anger hadn’t dampened the least bit, he could feel the heat of it coursing through his body. Walking out of the make shift control/war room, Mark went through his bag finding his comp. Activating it he waited for a few minutes till the face of the Imperial Space force leader appeared on it. “How … Read more


It had really been a bad day for Alan, his wife had kicked his ass out of the house, literally kicked his ass as he was leaving slamming the door in his face. Only an hour before that he received a call that his job had laid him off. The fact that he’d gotten most … Read more

Lost Empire 20_(0)

Derrick wasn’t happy, not happy at all, he needed to get out of here and get things done. All this pomp and crap was starting to wear really thin on his patience. He’d just released part of the shield around the palace but wasn’t ready to completely yet. He felt that there were still far … Read more

Lost Empire 12

Derrick looked at the readings again, so far all tests that they had done hadn’t work but rather failed miserably. So far only one energy shroud had even half way worked, but coming out of trans-warp had destabilized the shroud, detonating the missile. Still he had to run the gamut of all the shrouds, then … Read more

Sam 9

Triot was screaming at the techs as more and more systems went offline. “Get the redundant systems up! If she gets loose we are all dead!” Several men were running around trying to bring dead systems back up. “We’ve the entire system that holds it isolated, containment is holding steady.” Several techs told Triot. “Make … Read more

Cat Fight 14 (Cousins)

tinton  – 2 1/2 seconds specton – 2 1/2 minutes Toton –   2 1/2 hours minton –  2 1/2 days daycon –  2 1/2 weeks quant  –  2 1/2 years galant –  2 1/2 centuries Metson  – 2 1/2 inches maclon  – 2 1/2 feet heckson – 2 1/2 miles tetson –  2 1/2 acres … Read more