Nice Little Surprise

Nice Little Surprises I am Sharon, and this is the story of how I made a sudden unexplainable turnaround from being a confirmed lover of big cocks to going after a smaller one after accidentally viewing it, and being totally surprised and satisfied. I am a buxom thirty eight year old woman of mixed black … Read more


Ray pulled again feeling the strain on his body, damn it, it felt like it was right next to him but it also felt like a wall was between him and it. Now Ray was starting to sweat, he knew the strain could kill him if this wasn’t ended soon. Another bad thing Ray could … Read more


Alan did his best to steady his hands Merlin!? THE MERLIN? What in the hell was going on? Was there truth in almost all of the old legends? Laughing hesitatingly Alan looked closer at the man, ok maybe there was a …little resemblance to the man of legend. “Wait, wait, wait,” Alan started out, “you’re … Read more


Hopix was exhausted. She’d healed Alan for almost an hour, though she felt she’d barely given him the energy to recover. She laid her head down, she’d not felt this tired in over a thousand years. Alan had to fight this; he was far stronger than she thought. She fought the sleep for hours, accepting … Read more


S.H.E.I.L.A. – synthetic, humanoid, enlightened, inquisitive, living, android ——————————————————————————————— I couldn’t say a word as all I could do was stare at Sheila. Shaking my head I tried to wrap my mind around what I’d seen. {I love you Roger. Please don’t leave me.} She loved me? How was that… I stopped as I remembered … Read more

Lost Empire 16

It had been almost 12 hours and Mary had been following the progress of Rear Admiral Joseph Hartwell. After sending him to Abrir Oculta Providence to retrieve Derrick’s family she could only wait. Checking in on Derrick every few minutes there still hadn’t been any improvement. Not really one to worry that much Mary was … Read more

Supernatural Nation: One Steps Back, Two Step Forward

One Steps Back, Two Step Forward Chapter 5 Anthony sat in the chair beside Liz’s unconscious body and held her hand and worrying. It had been a week since his father had attacked Liz and Kylie had been healing Liz each day she visited and the doctors were calling Liz’s rapid healing miraculous but found … Read more

When In Rome

Author’s Notes[b] When In Rome isn’t exactly a series of erotic stories. When it’s completed, it will (hopefully) read more like a novel. Plot, subplots and all. There will be (on average) three separate scenes from three separate Point(s) of View (POV) per chapter. While every chapter will have sex in one form or another, … Read more

Across Eternity: Book 2 – Chapter 4

Nightlife The hour was late, the city was dark, and Noah was sitting against Bella’s headboard, enjoying her oral devotion to his manhood. She varied between voracious slurping and tender lovemaking, using the softness of her mouth to project her lust while giving his shaft and balls the attention they deserved. Her head was rested … Read more

Bad Seed CH.3

With only an hour to go to the appointed meeting point, Wren slipped into the training area. Taking a deep, cleansing breath, Wren tried to center her energy. So far, she had managed to increase her power, though her energy use was far too high. She was missing something, though for the life of her … Read more

The Aftermath (4)

Jim’s week had been too long, after destroying the last of the Krong, he begun to destroy all the planets that held the bug like creatures that had infused spies on the imperial planet into weaker humans. True it had been a shock to find out that there were different species of them, still it … Read more


THE BLEMS ————————————————————————————————- The end of another day was drawing to a close, Ray sat on his porch staring at the night sky. Sighing he stretched his thick frame and ran a hand through his thick, curly, dark brown hair. Stepping inside he went to the cupboard to get something for the headache that was … Read more

The Maintenance Man another repair 2

Mark Jerked awake, what the hell? Last thing he remembered the drones had just touched down with him, oh yeah that’s right Sam was mad at him, judging from the look on Nissie’s face she wasn’t too happy with him either. Mark tried to sit up in the bed and immediately fell back a low … Read more

The Aftermath 2

The Aftermath 2 ——————————————————————————————————————————————– The next morning Jim was on his way to the hospital when he recieved a strange call. “I’m trying to reach a Captain Stock, I was there years ago when he and his family liquidated the Krong race.” “I don’t go by that name anymore, not many know who I really … Read more

Daddy’s Little Girl Part 5

Chapter Ten Joseph slammed his car door as he got out. Lindsey was on his ex’s porch, crying as Brian held her. David was sitting in the back of police squad car. Instead of rushing to his little girl, he went for the car. An officer jumped in his way, but Joseph wanted to get … Read more

Sam 31

Sam watched the progress of those with him, he had to go a lot slower as he and Thantas were the only ones who open the worm holes. Then again, Thantas wasn’t that used to it as she’d only done it twice. She still wasn’t projecting as much power as was needed to get more … Read more