My Japanese Love Part 2

My Japanese Love Part 2: The Aftermath I woke up alone in bed and looked at the close. It was 8 in the morning. Could yesterday have been a dream? Did I really have sex with Amya Yoshido after not seeing her for a couple of years? Yeah I thought to myself it was a … Read more

Toman of the Cherokee 8

“WHAT?!!! I thought it was a trick!” I said as the apparition of my mother stared at me… “I’m sorry Toman in almost all cases it is true that ghosts cannot exist on this plain. In certain cases when a death is so horrific and quick the essence of a person can latch on to … Read more

The Storm_(1)

Fifty rounds per minute, the A4 held close to his chest, the air five feet in front of him as thick as blood, dark with smoke and fog, debris from a city slowly going back to its primordial roots.  Fifty rounds per minute down the alley east to the river, no enemy in sight, but … Read more

The Surprise Part 2

When she finally came down from her orgasm, she was weak and her head was still spinning. He had moved away from just enough that she could see his face. He allowed her several minutes to regain her composer and then ordered up and off the bed. As he got up, he took her hand … Read more

Her First and Last Master

Just outside of Summersville, West Virginia, on route 19 there was an abandoned gas station. The local lore said that it was haunted and that anyone that ever went there went missing. Danyel, being the stupid little thrill seeker she was, decided that she would test this little legend, knowing in her mind that it … Read more


Amanda stood up satisfied. Looking around her house she was making some progress unpacking but she was starting to get tired. Stretching her back she rubbed her breasts, even they were sore and tired from the move. Picking up her glass of wine, she decided that she wanted a little fresh air before she attempted … Read more

The Succubae Seduction 2: The Twins, Chapter 4

AUTHOR’S Warning: This chapter introduces a sex scene unlike any other in the TSS world that I have created. Some of you may find it disturbing, due to the incest. I’ll warn you now, this WILL NOT be a major theme in this book. You can stop reading before the sex scene, and not miss … Read more

Sovereignty 17

Alan awoke, startled at first as he didn’t recognize exactly where he was. Then he felt a soft body next to his looking down he saw that Hopix had at some time climbed into the bed with him for warmth. God Alan thought she feels so good so soft so…! Alan had looked under the … Read more

The Maintenance Man another repair 6

Assti opened her eyes slowly, he head was throbbing, the light harsh and glaring, problem was the sun was setting. Assti estimated she’d been out about 2 hours, slowly looking down her body she saw that the little bastard hadn’t tried to molest her. Not more than twenty feet away from her his slightly rotund … Read more

Slavers of Aghara-Penthay

Slavers of Aghara-Penthay Olga Anastasia To my muses – Werner H, Humilator, Brian S: I hope this pleases you. Olga. x 1 – MIA When an emergency call comes to the university and it’s summoning me to The Fortress, I sink straight into despair. It’s just as I’ve long feared. There is one reason anyone … Read more

A Family Betrayal Chapter 41_(0)

It was a silent moment while all my wives and loves came over. They each looked Kendra up and down almost as if they were sizing her up. I felt Kendra grab my hand while looking back at them, but the only difference was she was standing with a proud expression. I just turned my … Read more

Being Human – part 1

“I asked him, “Do you know the difference between nude and naked?” He shook his head. “Nude is artistic. Naked is defenseless.” ― Larry Niven Chapter One Pixel drummed her fingers on her laptop in an absent minded cadence. She sat on a park bench, her bicycle propped up next to her. Her brow was … Read more

A New Day, A New Us part 10

It’s fifteen after eleven in the morning and I’m sitting in the park with a mysterious new friend who is all bundled up for the cold. The face is covered in a scarf, a hood covering their head, even gloves and a pair of sunglasses covering the remaining skin. I’m beginning to wonder about the … Read more