A Family Betrayal Chapter 3

That first week of college was very interesting as Adam, Jack, and I had to get into a routine getting to our classes on time. All three of us during the evenings fixed up our rooms, and the living room we shared. It was nice having them as friends. Because each one brought something to … Read more

A Good Man 3

A Good Man 3 —————————————————————————————– It had been a week since Tom had been burned and hurt. Frilly was worried Tom hadn’t smiled, laughed, hell he hadn’t even smirked. Something had most definitely changed, Tom was so determined training everyday as far from his house as he could get. Frilly had watched his power steadily … Read more

“RUNAWAY” – Chapter 4 “Tonight It Was Special”

Sammi wasn’t sure what woke her, a noise, movement, the dog or just the horror of what Roger had been doing to her, but she was suddenly wide awake. She realized she heard snoring and thought maybe that’s what woke her. She sat up and poked her head forward through the curtain. For a moment … Read more

Gray Jedi Ch. 9

Gray Jedi Ch. 9 The group made their way with care through a series of back alleys, heading towards one of Coruscant’s seedier entertainment districts. Rex was on guard and nervous the entire time with their traveling companions, but Malik and Serra seemed to know and trust these two. Still, he remained cautious; it’s what … Read more

The maintenance Man 3

The maintenance Man 3 ——————————————————————————————————————– Mark paced the room as Nissie looked on, the worry evident on her face. He had been planning what to do all week when they reached the next system. After loading the ship with the anti-hack, anti-virus programs that he had gotten from the head master, he had paced all … Read more

The Lost Warrior

The heat of the sun beat down on the tired figure as he strode forward, his steps nothing but shuffling of feet as he wandered the desert plains aimlessly. Had it been days? No surely weeks had passed, or even months perhaps. Or maybe it had only been hours since he began walking, and the … Read more

The War to Change (The Mission 7)

Charles held Alatem close after she’d begun to thrash in her sleep calling his name. She awoke with a start grabbing him holding him close and tight as If his and her lives both depended on it. Sighing she fell back to asleep after making Charles promise that he’d never leave her. Charles laid there … Read more

The Black Willow 3

The Black Willow 3 ———————————————————————————————- This part 3 will connect The princess and the Captain and The Black Willow though, I suggest you read the Princess and the captain first. This part starts 9 years before the Princess and the Captain and ends when Jim contacts her to help. ———————————————————————————————- Mary stretched, it had been … Read more

Leben 9

Alan appeared back in the bunker a few moments later amid smirks from the other 4. “You really think it was a good idea that you let her go?” Harman said though he made no move toward Alan. “I don’t see why not.” Alan replied. “I felt no one there where she was that was … Read more

Fucking Teagan Part 5 by

Fucking Teagan – Part 5 (A back story in Teagan’s words) “I don’t really remember my father. What little I do recall, are more like dream fragments than actual memories. Oh, I have seen photographs, but those are stills, not memories. Dad disappeared from my life when I was barely three years old. No, he … Read more

Bait and Switch Retype – Ch 27-28-Final

“I don’t hear anything,” Summer says, as we look down at my six half-human children. They’re sleeping peacefully right now, and haven’t made any more sounds after that one sentence. ‘You will do fine, father.’ That one sentence still reverberates around in my head. Sometimes it drowns out all other thoughts, even though they only … Read more

Awakenings 3_(0)

Awakenings 3 Author’s note: I did not mean to insult the Romanian people, it was the opinon of the character in the story only that Romania was a shit hole not mine. Again I apologise if I offended anyone. ———————————————————————————————————– The doctor was healing with the help of Natasha and a few others. The leader … Read more

Leben 7

Angelika – Like an angel Truda – Fighting woman Varick – Protecting Ruler Harman – Man of the army Leben 7 ——————————————- It had been a hell of a week, it seemed as soon as Alan cleared 1 section another popped up. Though it was helping to increase his own defenses, it was still using … Read more

Sheila 21

Killjoy group ————- Ruslan (short blonde hair, 6’7”) – Leader Serafima (dark red head) – support/medical Karina (blonde Hair) – Sharpshooter sniper Timur (Dark hair 5’2”} – computer/hacker expert Egor- Electronics expert – killed in fire fight Stas – Explosives expert – killed in fire fight Pibald group ———— Evelyn (Auburn hair) – Leader former … Read more

Time Manipulation Mind Control Chapter 12: Sex Slave’s Naughty Plan

Aurora Pritchard “I wonder where Krystal is off to in such a hurry,” I said to my fellow sex slaves—Rebecca, Petra, Tracy and I were sitting at a table in our college’s cafeteria—as Krystal, our Master’s little sister, and her girlfriend, the Korean Ji-Yun, rushed out of the cafeteria. “Maybe they’re going to go fuck,” … Read more


Elizabeth was scared near to death, all of this was so alien to her, and the fact that they weren’t on earth any more wasn’t lost on her. Then they were actually on Nali’s home planet. Though Nali had described it in detail she was still unprepared for what she was seeing. The fact that … Read more

Awakenings 2_(0)

Awakenings 2 ——————————————————————————————————————- Tahir reclined back in his easy chair. He’d been here on the west coast for over 2 months now. So far noone had approached him, he hadn’t seen anyone from before but for some reason he felt that the doctor wasn’t about to give up. Sighing, he hadn’t used any of his … Read more