Sexual Shenanigans of the Trump Family: Tiffany Trump

Trump Tower, New York City, 2000 My mom, Marla, had let me live with my daddy Donald. Daddy became abusive towards me, calling me mean names and hitting me whenever I was bad. Now, I know all parents hit their kids, but I’m not talking about a slap on the ass. I’m talking about being … Read more

Celestial Fall – Chapter 1-4

A Tale of the End In the End the universe was dying and it was just taking its last few breaths. The three eternals walked the realm, watching the last of the mortals clinging to final hope jumping from dying planet to dying planet. Danann the Goddess of Chaos, Ceannladir the God of Death, and … Read more

Sam 22

Sam accelerated away from the station, gaining as much speed as he could. Finally, feeling he was far enough away he opened a wormhole. ‘Damnit, I hope that I gave her enough for her to survive this trip,’ Sam thought, placing his head closer to her chest. He was relieved to still feel her heart … Read more

Leben 10

Angelika – Like an angel Truda – Fighting woman Varick – Protecting Ruler Harman – Man of the army <Varick?> Alan thought to the man, <I think that you and Angelika need to come here as soon as possible.> Alan could feel the confusion in Varick’s thoughts. <Alright we’ll be there as soon as possible.> … Read more

Celestial Fall – Chapter 5-6

Chapter Five Excerpts from the Past Immortality—dazzling idea! Who first imagined thee! Was it some jolly burgher of Nuremburg, who with night-cap on his head, and white clay pipe in mouth, sat on some pleasant summer evening before his door, and reflected in all his comfort, that it would be right pleasant, if, with unextinguishable … Read more

Vampire Omicron: Chapter 6 – New Life

Start at Chapter 1. See the link in my profile to find all my stories and more chapters to this story Each chapter is like a ‘stealth mission’, with lots of slow build-up and pervy creeping around. The protagonist’s mission is always to rape and abduct his victims, adding to his harem of vampires. Then … Read more

Strong Again Ch. 5

John got out the Telescoping Binoculars he’d picked up before heading this way. The range wasn’t that great though they did help him see a little closer. A look at just the building showed that Greely was obviously scared. Though John thought, was it of him or perhaps something else? Well john thought, we’d have … Read more

The Champion’s Companion 3

Caris was about to realize she lost any kind of control of the situation. The scream had come from behind. The monkey troupe from earlier attacked from behind Ailli who had been tasked with carrying the shredded goat. The monkeys had grown in numbers. Following their prize, the troupe had linked up with others as … Read more

Policewomen 4: Kelly’s Return

Author’s note: This is Kelly’s second story. Her first (episode 3) is interracial. She goes undercover, fails on several levels, and becomes involved in a world of prostitution and other crimes. The worst is that she neglected her son, Nate, and subjected him to this world. I’ve used Fat Rob in quite a few stories. … Read more

The Bounty Hunter 3

After 4 months of space travel, you’ve finally reach to your destination. You approached the space station, Nova Titan. A man made space colony where you were born and grew up on. The bright colorful neon lights glows everlastingly around the metal artificial planet as you remembered. There’s two over sized mechanical rings simultaneously spinning … Read more

S.H.E.I.L.A. 2    

Sheila – synthetic, humanoid, enlightened, inquisitive, living, android Sheila went on at a fast pace for what seemed like hours. “I think I have adjusted my speed enough to allow you proper protection with my air shield.” She told my when we stopped.   Looking around I saw that we were at what appeared to … Read more

The Medieval Marine Part Nine(1)

CHAPTER XXXIX The night before had been hard on Marion for she was anxious to get the battle over with. They could hear the women’s cries coming from the enemy camp as they were being raped and it was everything that Luke could do to keep Marion and Gabriel under control. He did this by … Read more

The Sabacc Shift

Happy Star Wars Day, readers! I put together this fun one-shot story in celebration of May the 4th be With You Day. As anyone familiar with Star Wars can probably guess, this story features Sabacc, the card game most famous for bringing Han Solo and the Millennium Falcon together. And, of course, some sexy aliens … Read more

The Medieval Marine Part One

The Medieval Marine CHAPTER I Luke MacDougall was stretching out in his tent during his last night hunting the Brooks Range in Alaska. He had been hunting moose all week, and while he seen a couple, none had presented a decent shot so he hadn’t taken any. This didn’t bother him any, because in addition … Read more