Leben 16

Angelika – Like an angel Truda – Fighting woman Varick – Protecting Ruler Harman – Man of the army Angelika ran to Alan as soon as she was sure it was him. “My god Alan! Please stop doing that! If the worry doesn’t kill me the apprehension will!” Throwing her arms around him she held … Read more

The Wrath of Gaia pt 12

I didn’t know what to expect as I heard the loud knock come a second time, but as I looked out the window, I realized it was too dark to see who it was. I looked back to the curled up, sleeping body of Cat lying beside me and decided it was best if I … Read more

My journey into Satanism

My journey into Satanism My name is Simon, I am married to Louise and have two lovely children Jessica aged 14 and Kieran aged 12. You might think my life was perfect and it would be apart from my sexual perversity, I am bi-sexual with a desire to be the submissive party in rough gay … Read more

Sam 32

Solar time unit = year planetary time unit = day —————————— Sam was heading away from the IP world as fast as he could. Thankfully the draining had stopped and the sun was getting him back to feeling normal. A look at the fleet showed that the wave that he and Thantas had used knocked … Read more

Bk 2, Ch 2: The Calm Before the Storm

Chapter 2: The Calm Before the Storm After that first sparring match on the third day, I made a point of talking with Emmy at least once a day. Sometimes it was for only a minute, sometimes it was for a half an hour. Sometimes we talked about her life, about Viking culture, and about … Read more

Druids Ordeal – Chapter 6

I kept running for what must have been almost an hour, stopping every few minutes to catch my breath. I had no idea where I would end up; I just kept running north. I had noticed a red glow back to the south. I thought it was the faint, distant glow of Kelmane atop the … Read more

Our Only Hope, Chapter 04

The characters and situations will be more understandable if the previous chapters have been read. Because it is a book, some of the chapters are more exciting than others, and some situations do not complete until the next chapter. I could have run this through my regular publisher and made a couple hundred dollars, but … Read more

“RUNAWAY” Chapter 8 “It Defines Who You Are”

As Sammi stared out the windshield watching nothing in particular and petting Ol’Jack Joseph was driving and singing with his country and western music a practice he had that kept him awake and helped him keep his eyes on the road. He was trying to let his passenger not feel like she was being interrogated … Read more

Toman of the Cherokee 17

Merlin Gwendydd – sister Morgenau – brother Morial – brother Morien – brother Mordaf – brother – Naci’s father New Council Members ___________________ Pikon Corth Groton Tydeth Docal Clondal – female —————————————————————————– Ukobach was cursing even harder, what were those idiots doing? More than half of the guard corps was destroyed. Almost all of the … Read more

Bk 1, Ch 6: War and Peace

I took a seat at the foot of the stage, exhausted. In front of me lay a middle-aged man wearing a cloak of embroidered gold. I figured he was probably the village lord. His spine was crooked and an arm and both legs were broken. No doubt he had been trampled to death in the … Read more

Murder on the Mainline: another Mike Claymore Mystery Chapter 11

CHAPTER ELEVEN 3RD FRIDAY Mike gets up at four and Nina wakes so he’s pleasantly delayed getting away to pick up Trudy until five. It’s twenty after six when he pulls up to her door. She comes bouncing out and says, “You want my help you’ve got to give up these morning pieces of tail … Read more

Absolute Power 6

Chapter 6 I took a deep, cleansing breath, trying to capture everything Big Leo ever said to me, then loud and clear said, “No point in arguing, gentlemen. All those drawings are wrong.” I paused to wait out the storm as Darryl crumpled the paper, throwing it on the ground as he yelled loudly, “Dirty … Read more

Bridezilla Brenda’s Beastly Brawl — Part 2 — The Brawl

Bridezilla Brenda’s Beastly Brawl Part 2 — The Brawl Cast of named characters in this series: Brenda Robinson — 26 years old, 5’10” tall 140 lbs — Bride. Arrogant, spoiled, domineering, wealthy, self centered, and oh so tall and beautiful. Bradley Eaton — 27 years old, 6’2″ tall, 180 lbs — Groom. Physics graduate student. … Read more

Trafficked Love Ch. 15

Chapter Fifteen: Worth Angel slammed the club’s back door open; letting a blast of cool August air hit her in the face. Every once in a while, she would get these crazy offers from clients. They expected her to do anything. A guy wants to see her bend over for a dog; she’s expected to … Read more

Awakenings 8

Awakenings 8 —————————————————————————————- Natasha was bored, the doctor had totted on for the last 4 days, how great he was and that this plan would finally pay that traitor Tahir, back for all the pain he had put the doctor through. Natasha didn’t really care all she wanted was to get Tahir in bed, if … Read more

Demonology; part 3

The warm light filtering through the tall windows warmed Amanda’s naked form. Stretching like a cat in sunlight, Amanda cracked one eye open then the other. Her husband’s still sleeping form was next to her in bed, his horns having gown exponentially in the last couple of weeks. At first it was something concerning for … Read more