Bk 1, Ch 5: A Dirty Business

Chapter 5: A Dirty Business The sun had just risen in the sky. Zavala was ours. My plan had worked flawlessly. The townsfolk had behaved like cattle, and we’d herded them with ease. As I’d predicted, the arrows and our vicious charge had broken the enemy defense. Most of the townsfolk had fled towards the … Read more

“RUNAWAY” Chapter 7 “Dirty, Filthy Slut?”

It was almost more of a shock to Sammi that Joseph walked out of the room then if he had just forced her to the bed and raped her. It took her a few minutes to rationalize her thoughts. As she did the realization of her learned expectations overwhelmed her with emotion and she started … Read more

Tantalizing Chapter Two

After gym class I had Chemistry, which thank god Gavin Jensen was in there. I couldn’t stop thinking about him standing up for me, he told off Chris Edwards. I could see him now I was across from him in our pod of six, his black silky hair covering his blue eyes. He was laying … Read more

The Taking_(0)

The comment section has been restricted to members only due to the spammers and other idiots. Please feel free to PM your comments to me. Lucky Mann The Taking Naina was cheerfully walking down a quiet park lane. The beautiful and petite twenty-year-old didn’t have a care in the world. The sun was setting, and … Read more

Grimbol the Slayer. Chapter 1

The elf girl raced into the cabin, but there was no exit, nowhere to escape, nowhere to hide. The orc leader’s pointed grey ears perked at the sound of shattering glass as it threw open the door to the small building. The beast could see its quarry was cornered. Her terror-filled eyes were drawn to … Read more

Godless and Faithless Chapter 8_(0)

Swamp slimes. He’d never heard of them but they existed. The small blobs were composed of puddles of green goo, twigs, and moss. He’d battled them throughout the swamp, his hammer having little effect. Brute force failed to defeat them. Instead, he looked for other monsters and the dumb swamp slimes would get distracted and … Read more

The Maintenance Man 6

The Maintenance Man 6 ——————————————————————————————————————– Mark was again at a loss, after what his sister had told him, he knew that he’d have to have help looking up the laws for this situation. Finally alone, after checking up on Nissie, he called the head master for help. “She did what?!” he cried incredulously, “you know, … Read more


CASTRATRIX Castratrix Sue took hold of Joshua´s balls and gently pressed them together in her sweet demanding hand. Joshua wanted to protest, but the sight of the beautiful castratrix, and the actual feel of his balls inside her hand made him limp and silly somehow. It was her fifth castration today. Sue was a professional … Read more

Murder on the Mainline: another Mike Claymore Mystery Chapter 20

CHAPTER TWENTY 6TH SATURDAY Mike gets up early before anyone is out of bed and throws his briefcase into the car. He drives towards Chilliwack and calls Trudy as he’s driving down Young Road. “Good morning, beautiful. It’s Mike.” Carol says, “Good morning, Mike. I’ll get Trudy.” She giggles as she leaves the phone. “Mike, … Read more

The Solarian Soldier – 1

1 “You can take your orders and shove them up your shit-filled cunt, Earther bitch. Even if you shoot us down, I have 30 killers aboard my ship just waiting for your goons to set foot on our deck. So one last time fuck off and crawl back to the miserable shithole planet you belong” … Read more

Vile – Chapter 1 – The Heap

“The warm slathering of sanguine nectar upon thy porcelain skin shalt rejuvenate the hollow of darkness within which your soul should but does not reside, for if the void of spirit is bereft of all but the bitter chill of nothingness cantankerously defying one’s own desires it should be cast aside and filled to the … Read more

The Knight and the Acolyte Book 8, Chapter 8: Impaled

The words of the Minotaur echoed down the hallway out of the darkness of the large room before us. The source of the foul stench pervading the Labyrinth flowed with it. In the glow of my pink, ethereal light bobbing beside me, I spotted a skeletal arm stretched out of the large room, fingers twisted … Read more

Street Cop

Barbara always liked to live life in the fast lane. As brilliant as she was beautiful, she graduated at the top of her class at USC and received a law degree with honors. Rather than go into a lucrative but dull position as a big corporate lawyer she decided to become a street cop and … Read more

Absolute Power 5

Chapter 5 The glassed-in shower enclosure for the bathroom attached to the master bedroom, or, as Gwen promptly informed Bailey and Jennifer, “Billy’s Room,” was huge; the four of us fit in it comfortably, with no crowding. The only ‘crowding,’ quite voluntary, found us rubbing together in slippery enjoyment. I finally exerted my infinitesimal self-control, … Read more

Cat Fight 24 Reunion

Terms tinton – 2 1/2 seconds specton – 2 1/2 minutes Toton – 2 1/2 hours minton – 2 1/2 days daycon – 2 1/2 weeks Malant – 2 1/2 months quant – 2 1/2 years galant – 2 1/2 centuries Metson – 2 1/2 inches maclon – 2 1/2 feet heckson – 2 1/2 … Read more

The Hitwoman: The Blonde Bombshell By Millie Dynamite

The hit had gone fine, just hadn’t expected that a cop would walk out and see it. Worse still a cruiser pulled in the parking lot at the same time. Not surprising, this wasn’t something I planned. I rushed to my motorcycle, hoping to make a clean getaway, I felt it when the leads hit … Read more