The fat man’s revenge

Ethan Harrington’s revenge Ethan Harrington was a large man by any measure. He topped out at over 6 feet tall and was over 400 pound. Right now he was trying to squeeze his way into a sub compact. He was a mechanic with his own body shop and he needed to get this car up … Read more

For-Bitten Love

Prologue. Waking up covered in blood was not as fun as it might have sounded. At least, it wasn’t for Brian. As he groggily opened his eyes, a throbbing headache pounded at his temples, and the metallic scent of blood filled his nostrils. Panic surged through him as he looked around. His heart nearly stopped … Read more

Secret Room

Misty Walker answered the phone before her mother could get it. She was sixteen, but she acted as if she was an adult, or at least she liked to think so. “Hello?” she said. Her mother looked at her. “Who is it?” she asked. “This is she.” Misty said into the phone, ignoring her mother‘s … Read more

The Gender Wars Chapter 1 Protection

I was born in the late 2020s. I’m told, that’s when the Feminists began heating up the debate that started the war. But I’m getting ahead of myself here. My name is Martin Michaels, First infantry division of the United Male Domination Forces or U.M.D.F, and this is my story. Chapter 1 Protection By the … Read more

Awakening pt. 5 (3)

I looked down into the valley towards the temple, surrounded by statues of naked gods and women. The sun shone through the clouds and the lone oak tree, which sat atop the hill I was on, swayed gently, leaves glittering in the sunlight. “Going well?” a voice asked behind me, “Not bad, well, pretty good, … Read more

The Punishment Of Hermione Granger (Chapter 3)

CHAPTER THREE: A PUBLIC DEMONSTRATION Hermione’s teacher moves her into the adjoining Defense classroom and shoves her into one of the student desks in the front row. Hermione winces from the pain of putting pressure on her recently caned ass, but she doesn’t protest the new position. A piece of parchment and a black quill … Read more

Pretty Penny (Poor Penny)

“Please let me switch seats,” Penny begged her friend Tom for the hundredth time. He was supposed to be seated next to her boyfriend Aaron on the school trip. He didn’t really care to sit next to Aaron, but he also did not feel like doing Penny a favor. She was popular in their friend … Read more

Tanning Salon RAPE

My very first job was at a tanning salon when I was 16 years old. I was not the type of girl that had a lot of experience with guys, in fact, I had only ever kissed one guy up to that point. My mom was very strict so I wasn’t allowed to have boys … Read more

The Man in the Dark Coat

This is the first story I’ve ever decided to post but not the first I’ve written. Comments of any type are welcome and appreciated, enjoy. -Master Wolf The Man in the Dark Coat Chapter 1 Aiden stepped out onto his porch with a cup of coffee in hand and admired how the day was turning … Read more

Jordans sex Sequal prt 5&6

~The Next Day As I was putting on some clothes jake asked me where I was going. I told him hunting… He said okay and jumped in the bed and turned the T.V on to his favorite show. CSI. I hoped out the window and landed swiftly on the ground. I jogged into the forest … Read more

Murder on the Mainline: another Mike Claymore Mystery Chapter 05

CHAPTER FIVE 2ND WEDNESDAY By eight twenty Mike arrives in the parking lot at CPX and parks by Len’s old Pontiac. Len has the tractor under the pin at the dock and waves to him as he comes across the yard. “Good morning, sleepy head.” “Good morning, Lenny. Have you got the bills for that … Read more

Hunt Or Be Hunted IV

I was laying on my cot while Charlie is snoring loudly over in his cot glad he could sleep after today. I couldn’t get back to sleep for some reason every time I closed my eyes I kept seeing Dinkerman face scrunched up on the other side of my fist. I got off my cot … Read more

Niesa’s Boys_(0)

Niesa’s Boys “Momma, can we come in?” screamed all the boys in unison as they banged on the room door. Niesa had 3 little boys that were very overprotective of their mom, due to the fact that her former boyfriend had been physically abusive. Niesa was partially to blame because of the reckless lifestyle she … Read more

Rooms of Horror and Delight room 3

“So, I see you enjoyed yourself last night” Jennifer sat up with a really bad headache. She looked around, taking in her surroundings. She was in another room with stone walls and a single light on the ceiling. But now there was a table in the room. And when she took a closer look, realized … Read more