Absolute Power 9

Chapter 8 I stared at the interloper in surprise. I stayed Gwen’s hand as I continued watching our uninvited tablemate. Grace asked waspishly, “Who the fuck are you?” He smiled calmly as he replied, “Mr. Smith. And that…” As he shrugged his shoulder at a tall, athletic looking blonde woman in a short leather jacket: … Read more

Forward to go back (The Mission 3)

Forward to go back (The Mission 3) ——————————————————————————————————————————————— Alatem and Charles had been talking it over for over an hour, they were still no closer to a decision about what to do with Alatem’s sister. “As you know she’s also a royal, meaning now you could have a double death penalty on your head. Though … Read more

Sonya Blade- Femmefatality

Sonya Blade hated that criminal. Kano was a vicious criminal, specifically a drug and weapons dealer coming from Australia. These were heinous crimes, but the cruel man had killed her partner on a mission aimed at ending the operations of the Black Dragon cartel Kano was a member of. She would get her chance to … Read more

The Marriage Bed

She was married off young. She was fifteen when she married a thirty-five year old man, his name was Rohan. She was afraid of him, and he was turned on by her. She was short, had well placed curves. Her breasts were fairly large for her frame and were often displayed prominently at the top … Read more

The Demons Harem Part Two: First lesson

The Drivers had come and loaded the captive girls into a large wooden cage being pulled by the horses. They threw a thick black tarp over the cage. The girls were never to know the way back to their villages. They would lead new lives now, part of the Demons Harem. The girls had been … Read more

A Family Betrayal Chapter 35

It was the night before April Fools that I found myself sleeping deeply after two hours of making love to Allison, Renee, and Jessie with the wives watching with delight. My dreams have been the average with my father and May visiting telling me how proud they were of me. But the way this dream … Read more

The Rape Club

It had taken me a long time to get here, even if “here” was a run-down condo on the edge of one of Chicago’s suburbs. I’d talked to people, gone through search after search on the web, gathered clues, made contacts, and shelled out money, lots and lots of money. But I was here at … Read more

Amanda’s Fantasy_(0)

Her eyes flickered between pleasure and pain as he thrust into her. His hand was wrapped tightly around her neck, his fingers forcing red marks into her skin, and she could feel her head becoming lighter in response. Her hands and face scraped against the brick wall, the little pieces of debris flaking off into … Read more


You frighten me. You frighten me from the moment I first see you, as the guard shoves me from behind and I stumble forwards into the prison cell. The guard is like you, a muscular and tough-looking African-American woman, at least ten years older than me. She gives me a hard slap on the ass, … Read more

Bad Seed 8

Wren looked in shock at the two visions she was seeing. She was on her ship and she was on Ceti-5 staring at all the masters. At first she could only see, as all of them were surprised and gasping at her. It was a few moments later that she started to hear them. Not … Read more

Tommy gets his slave

After graduating college and working for several years at a major brokerage firm Tommy had finally set himself up with enough financial security that he could afford to purchase and keep a slave. He got up early on Saturday to get ready. After showering, shaving, and dressing he checked everything to make sure he was … Read more

The Devil’s Pact Chapter 37: Mary Magdalene

Violet Matheson – Tacoma, WA “Leah, Violet, and Desiree, scatter!” Master shouted. “They’re after me, you might get away!” I looked one last time at Master, drinking in his form, then turned and ran as fast as I could from the wreckage. My heart thudded in terror. Behind me, gunfire erupted and I shrieked loudly. … Read more

Damien Skylar chapter 2

Chapter 2. *Part 4* I feel my pulse racing as I chase after her. The pull and release of my muscles as I glide across the wet cobblestone, coming steadily towards her. I admire her naked body as she runs. A perfect specimen. I can sense her fear, her breath increasing, her blood spiked with … Read more

Divided – Part 1

Divided Part 1 Chapter 1 It was a beautiful spring day. The sun shined bright in the sky with very few clouds. The leaves on the trees were a bright green. In a quiet neighborhood in California, a young boy named Damien Shellwood walked home from his best friend Eric’s house. Damien was the 7 … Read more

The Champion’s Companion 4

In the morning when Kaarthen awoke, her bindings were loose. Checking them, she realized they had actually been untied. She grateful stretched and rubbed her joints and limbs feeling for all the world a suddenly old achy Shield Mistress. She looked around for a shapeless black shadow but could not see the ‘That Man’ anywhere. … Read more

Earthquake Opportunity part 2

Feeling hopeful, I set out of the room and continued down the hallway; listening for anymore sounds. Not too far from the classroom I found an unfortunate soul who could not receive my help. She was a redhead who seemed to have been crushed by lockers falling from the second floor. It looked like someone … Read more