“RUNAWAY” Chapter 9 “Pushing The Limits”

The first few hours of the night Sammi woke up frequently. The dim light coming into the cab and through the curtain between the truck seats and sleeper from the rest stop and highway lights were just enough to allow her to look at her most significant tattoo, the one on her right wrist, a … Read more

Ashley’s last time Re4 parody

Every step Ashley took felt wrong. She had been following behind Leon for so long, it was odd to take the lead. He always kept his gun next to his cheek and took every step with caution. She knew as she had been watching him from behind while she cowered like a child. She relied … Read more

Cat Fight 19 (Space Battle)

tinton  – 2 1/2 seconds specton – 2 1/2 minutes Toton –   2 1/2 hours minton –  2 1/2 days daycon –  2 1/2 weeks Malant –  2 1/2 months quant  –  2 1/2 years galant –  2 1/2 centuries Metson  – 2 1/2 inches maclon  – 2 1/2 feet heckson – 2 1/2 miles … Read more

One in a Million (edited ver.)

“Joseph P Cain! Get your lazy ass up right now mister before your late for school!” I awoke groggily to the sound an alarm an angry mother standing in the doorway. “Wha? What time is it?” I asked still trying to shake my morning coma “It is almost seven o’clock and I need to go … Read more

A Stranger’s Love

The landscape was washed white from the soft glow of the full moon as his lithe body moved through the forest in frenzy following a faint trickle of blood that stained the ground, outlining the trail of his prey. All that consumed his mind was the tantalizing blood that dripped down her creamy skin. The … Read more

Friends Saved (The Mission (9)

Charles tried to open his eyes, a small groan erupted from his dry throat. Christ what in the hell hit me he thought, feels like I’ve been hit several times. “Alatem,” He heard a sexy voice say, “he’s awake dermal regeneration at 95%, all ribs have been set and are now at 79% I estimate … Read more

The Devil’s Pact Chapter 46: The Fall of Seattle

Wormwood, as the disease became known, ravaged the world. No-one knows the precise number of men who died of the Demon Plague, but estimates are 1.02 billion. One-third of all the men living on the planet succumbed before the disease ran its course five months later. –excerpt from ‘The History of the Tyrants’ Theocracy’, by … Read more


Tom looked over at his two wifes, he couldn’t believe that that both councils had approved his joining to both of them. Frilly hadn’t been all lies when she said that she wanted to fall in love. Tom was just a little blind at the time to realize that it was h,e who she was … Read more

The mind’s eye

I watched as the huge gleaming disk rose. As it climbed higher, I started to curse. The damn thing should have exploded by now. It was almost out of sight, when there was a titanic blast and light show that appeared to be several miles up. A sad smile crossed my features as I bowed … Read more


“Amber no I don’t want you to do that right now. Nelson pulled her up an against his chest. “What’s wrong ? You don’t like me? Do you ?” She asked. “Its not that I think your so beautiful I don’t ever want to hear you say that to me again.” He said it in … Read more