7 love dove love shove

13 LOVE FROM ABOVE “Hey Alex. I’m so happy for you and Logan.” “Thanks Jeff, but what happened to you?” “What do you mean?” “This speaking in tongues stuff.” “Oh! You heard. Who told you?” “Who didn’t tell me!” Everyone thinks your cranium cracked.” “It was crazy! But I’m still the little rascal you always … Read more

rich boys love 35

when me and harvey got back from are honeymoon we was so inlove when we got back to la harvey come straight to my house and everyone was there to see us it was so heart warming to see everyone wishing us all the best for the future after the party me and harvey went … Read more

Hemerrhoids and hand jobs

The agony in my ass was furious and all consuming, so my first tearful stop was the pharmacy. The pebble that screamed between my butt cheeks was now a dull constant ache that reached my finger tips. Why after all these years of evolution, would man, who can fly to the moon, have to suffer … Read more

Perils of Amishi – Chapter 3 – Assaulted

Just when I thought I couldn’t be surprised anymore, Amishi surprises me with another wild encounter, something which happened before this whole Dhanwarlal saga. Scene One – The Resolution As the buzzing continued, I realized the situation she was in and reached out to grab her hand. She didn’t remove it this time and looked … Read more

Almost a Virgin

I’m 64 years old, retired for the past two years living in central Florida and loving the good life. A great wife and a nice house and great neighbors. Golf two or three times a week and loving all I have. In reasonable health and my Urologist says I'[m a bit unusual in that I … Read more


“I knew you were going to ask me that question. Are you horny? So am I, I am looking at some pics of your naked body with an absolute boner on my laptop. I am naked for you apart from my black silk dressing gown. Would you like me to take it off for you? … Read more

Ripe For Picking – Part 2

I met Jerome outside Woodford railway station, in the car park, the day after my visit to the clearing in the wood. ‘We have a problem, Kevin,’ he said softly. ‘The pigs [police] have turned up in force and are searching the wood. Apparently, someone’s gone missing from the local loony bin.’ A police car … Read more

Meet and Flash in Charlotte

A week ago I was a man who had been married for fifteen years and had never so much as kissed another woman. So while it may be a very tired clich?traight out of Penthouse, I have to begin with “I never thought it could happen to me.” Except for the names and places, everything … Read more

And mother came too

Mother Came Too As my taxi pulled up behind a strange car on my drive, I could hear the ‘boom-banga-bang’ music coming from my 16-year-old daughters’ bedroom. “Kids? What can you do?” the taxi driver laughed, as I gave him his fare. He was right, since my divorce, two years ago; Kylie had become a … Read more

Cooling Off

It was seventh of April, a sultry summer day and Anju Shenoy could not have forgotten this day for ever. Precisely seven years had passed since the dreadful afternoon when she had heard the tragic news of the accident which had shattered her life to pieces. It was on that fateful day that her husband … Read more

Seeing Olivia Again

I never expected it to happen, but one afternoon when I saw her, I had to look twice. “Was that really her,” I thought?” Hesitantly, I smiled and then nonchalantly went over to where she was standing. Seeing me coming her way, she looked down but I could see she was smiling and after saying, … Read more

discovering i am gay

So hi everyone, I don’t really know if people read these stories or not but im going to write it in hopes that you all do read it. About me I’m Blake Manor and I have (at this stage) an amazingly beautiful girlfriend called Lizzy (Elizabeth). I live in Buckinghamsire with both of my parents … Read more


39 HEAL DEAL “Hi Alex, this is Sean” Timidly, “Hi Sean.” “Logan’s parents agreed to a meeting tonight.” “OK.” “You really don’t wanna do this, do you.” “I do, but, well you know.” “There’s one stipulation.” “What do you mean?” “They don’t want any touching between you and Logan, not even a handshake.” “Sounds good.” … Read more


By the time I was twenty I had lost my virginity and very much enjoyed both males and females being impressed by my cock as well has having them pleasure it. At twenty-two years of age I met a business lady who was a long way from home. Apparently she was married to a man … Read more