1st time with a shemale

This was my first experience with a shemale, true story. I arranged for her to stay 3 hours I have always enjoyed playing with my ass hole, about two years ago I was in Chicago and went online to Eros and chose a shemale named with held. I called her up and she came to … Read more

Stench Trench Teens

One day some hot young eighteen year old chicks were at the local mall talking about consensual sex between two consenting adults. “Last night Josh was feeling down, so I knelt down over him and evacuated my bowels into a glass mixing bowl for him. He just loves that. He has a real romantic streak … Read more

Away From The Home Again

‘Sharon’ has kindly given me this to share with you all, after the great feedback from the first story she has agreed to tell more about her affair with ‘Harry’ *************************************************************** Sharon had Harry on her mind all the rest of the month after she had first had sex with him, she couldn’t believe what … Read more

I Dare You To Fuck Me

I went to a large University when I was seventeen. I had a girlfriend, a band, and a high alcohol tolerance. Your typical freshman. I quickly made friends and had many entertaining drunken nights, but eventually the inevitable happened and I found myself becoming interested in another girl. Her name was Veronica, and we all … Read more

Shelly’s Secret Chapter 2

Shelly’s Secret Chapter 2 “This story contains a graphic account of sex between a father and his daughter. If this is not your thing, please read something more to your liking. All persons in this story are of legal age.” That summer watching Shelly and my dad was one of the most defining years of … Read more

Couples Therapy Ch 2

Chapter Two The next few days were not what I expected. Renee seemed to be back to her distant self and was withdrawn from me. When I finally got her to talk, she told me that she felt dirty and ashamed by her actions the other night. I assured her she had nothing to feel … Read more

Texas freeze – Part 1

Snow, ice and disappearing mercury gripped our home in Texas last Monday morning. Our neighborhood in suburban Fort Worth lost power and the temperature outside fell way below freezing. The wind blew through every crack bringing the chill indoors. Pulling the generator out into six inches of snow was nearly impossible, but I managed. Too … Read more

Mary and me

This is partly a true story, all of it happened apart from the sex. I changed the names, mostly because I forgot most of them LOL I’m sitting in the shade and watch how Kelvin plays with the dog. Kelvin is married to my one school friend, Mary. Now Mary isn’t what you would call … Read more

Shooter Girl Interview

This is a different kind of write up. I thought this would appeal to some people as change is always nice. This story involves an interview related to one of my older stories. I sat down and interviewed my friend. A cute little bar wench or shooter girl who worked at a bar in the … Read more

Potential Part 3

Disclaimers: This is a creative, nonfiction story based on actual events. All names, locations and time-lines have been changed to protect the guilty. I have also added details and events to make it a good story while maintaining anonymity. Story note: Yes, the story starts slow. That is out of respect for anyone the story … Read more

This Little Piggy takes 2

It was late, and I sat on my bed fresh from the shower rubbing lotion into my skin. This always made me smile, the way my strange little mind works; it always made me think of oiling and massaging a fattening little suckling pig in preparation for the Beast’s feast. This made me laugh at … Read more

My little pink friend

‘My Little Pink Friend’ Two years ago, to celebrate my friend Carole’s’ 30th birthday, twelve of us, visited Blackpool, for a weekend. The journey took three hours, during which we drank five bottles of wine, too much beer and a half bottle of vodka! Too say we were merry would be an understatement. We dropped … Read more

The Stepmother

The Stepmother. When I was 16 my entire family life started to unravel. My mom was cheating on my dad and he was also cheating on my mom. Eventually my mom left with her lover to France leaving me with my Dad. After a few months he sat me down and said he would like … Read more