First Time pt 1

When I was about 5 yrs old I somehow discovered that I enjoyed women’s clothing, especially wearing them. It started off rather innocently, wearing my moms or sisters dress along with heels. I used to put 2 stuffed bears as boobs. As I got a little older I seemed to have forgotten all about this … Read more

Defend each other – Alex and John’s story continues

San Francisco International Airport, San Francisco Ca. Main Terminal area 12:35 a.m. 16 September. Alex sat in the quiet airport terminal, fixing her lipstick in a small compact and checking her make-up, waiting for John to arrive from Japan. John had gone to Japan to convince his investor in financing a chain of Judo Dojo’s … Read more


Morning walk The other morniing around 5:00am I went for a walk in my neighborhood. I had on black pantyhose , sneakers and a oversized hooded sweatshirt. It went down a little past my waist. I figured what the hell it was still dark out, so I set out for my walk in just pantyhose, … Read more

Suzy’s Daydream

For those who haven’t been following my “coming out” thread, I’ve spent the last few months learning to accept and enjoy my love of crossdressing. During that time, I discovered that I absolutely love going out in public in scandalously short skirts and sky-high spike heels. Even better (and amazing to me), I’ve discovered that … Read more

The Knight and the Acolyte Book 7, Chapter 8: Passion’s Illusion

Knight-Errant Angela – The Lamp My tongue passed the honey-covered date back and forth to Saniyya, the dusky-skinned and citrine-eyed jinn. The flavor of the date sent a heady rush through me, fogging my brain, making me relax as she lifted my arms to her bed’s posts where golden manacles lay. I was in her … Read more

Mom Has Me Turned Out

“God damn it mom, he’s a fucking fairy! You’re gonna get AIDS from him!” I yelled. My mother gasped, “Tim! There’s no need for you to speak that way about him, I don’t know what’s gotten into you the last few years.” “Well, I know what’s gotten into you and it’s a fucking faggot’s dick, … Read more

Tamani the thick goblin seductress: Drugging the shy centaur girl, Vix

Tamani woke up slowly and comfortably. She smacked her puffy lips together, gazing around to see the sleeping bodies of various creatures and monsters. The air was warm so her green skin was glistening with sweat, no wonder she couldn’t keep herself from rubbing up against a passed out satyr. Her pixie style charcoal hair … Read more

Cousin David

This a tale about my cousin David who was 12 years older than me, because of age difference he was closer to my brother who was 5 years old than me, when David was 21 he married a young woman called Lucy, I attended David and Lucy’s wedding with my parents and my brother. Later … Read more

First Time pt 2

Hey guys…. glad to hear most of you liked my first story. Sorry it was so short. Hopefully you like this even better. A llittle about myself for any first time readers… At the time of this story I had just turned 13, I lived in a small town. I had a paper route that … Read more

An Accidental Woman

Both my parents died when I was 13 in a car accident. With no family and no where to go, I became a ward of the state, and once I turned 18, I was turned lose, with little to no prospects and only a college scholarship and the money that was placed in trust when … Read more

Helping Rob’s Dad

I lost my anal virginity when I was fifteen, when one of the school prefect’s called Rob made me his personal fuck toy. Later Rob mentioned our fuck sessions to his divorced father. Apparently Rob and his father had a good relationship although Rob lived with his mother after his parents were divorced. Rob and … Read more


The only man she has ever had. “I realize now I have missed out on a lot in life. A sex life and sexual pleasure especially, I am naive when I compare with my girlfriends. They tell me my past sex life could only be described as vanilla at best. I need a man to … Read more

Michael to Michelle part 4 the work slut

The workplace slut Even though over the months I was feminising myself more and more, shaving, moisturising, growing my hair and meds, I was still hiding it in public, especially my workplace. Even though under my suit and tie I’d sly a nice feeling bra, panties and stockings and suspenders every day. I worked in … Read more

hotel hookup

I met Tom online he said he was into Cd’s so after a few chats we agreed to meet. There is a hotel close by that has “short stays”. you can “rent” a room for a few hours. Tom got the room then text me the room number. He left the door unlocked and wanted … Read more

Tiffany The Cross Dressing Slut

2:00 AM, California, Los Angeles, In A Hotel Swimming Pool I was at the swimming pool with a couple of friends and my cousin. I was 15 at the time, My Cousin, Mark, being 13 and my friends John, 14, Steve, 14, and Henry, 16. We were all drinking beers we asked a guy to … Read more