The Janitor (Chapter 1)

The Janitor Chapter one. Gwen picked up the mail from the mat, closed the front door behind with her foot and flicked the switch, turning on the main light. She dropped her coat over the back of the hall chair, next to the phone and stepped into the living room, kicking off her shoes and … Read more

The Smell of Sex_(0)

You know that feeling you get? When you feel the drug running through your body, right before it hits you… Whatever it is, heroin, pot, LSD. Right before you get your high or low, you get this amazing, pure, intense feeling. I remember it like it was yesterday. I remember watching the colours on the … Read more

The Great O Race

Karen grunted as she worked through her last set, dropping the weight with a triumphant slam as she exceeded her target rep range. She was two years removed from her Freshman Fifteen entrance into college, and had quietly worked her way into tremendous shape as she finished up her junior year at college. Karen was … Read more

The Story of Ann Chapter 4: How to Hate Men without Really Trying

The Story of Ann Chapter 4: How to Hate Men without Really Trying Rick came over for dinner that Sunday night and he made a good impression on both grandma and on Frank. He was polite and kind even helping grandma with the dishes. Rick also found out that I had a child. He seemed … Read more


She allowed her head briefly to rest on the shower wall, feeling the cascade of water over her body drown out the pounding of her head. She turned around and let the water beat around her shoulders as she imagined the previous nights beer and rum and whatever else spilled on her to be flowing … Read more

Hot Box Chapter 4, So That’s What It’s For

Hot Box Chapter 4, So That’s What It’s For Fiction, Romance, Male/Female, Adventure There was no two ways about it, we were stuck; and not by just a little bit. We were stuck and fucked. My idea of hiding in the catacombs seemed like a great plan at its conception, but now, as we stood … Read more

Vacation with my family – part I (version 3)

Vacation with my family Hi everybody! I am Stephanie or just Steph like all my friends call me and this story is about the first sexual vacations with my family. But first of all let me introduce you to my family. There is my dad Peter, my mom Cynthia, my little brother Chris, my little … Read more

The openings, Part 3

When he had entered high school his parents had bought him a laptop. He had spent the time since then organizing his collection of photos and had hundreds of pictures of the females he had the pleasure of opening. By the time he had turned 16 he had discovered the darknet and was running a … Read more

The Perfect Victim_(0)

A shorter story, and much different than my usual texts. If you like the tags, I hope you enjoy it. Jessica always loved the idea of a small town. Growing up in LA, she learned quickly that she wasn’t the big city type at all. As soon as she was of legal age, she moved … Read more

An Old Flame in a New City: Chapter 2

Laura went back to her apartment still red in the face from the orgasms of less than an hour ago. “So, how’d the meeting with the guy go?” Her roommate asked, already knowing the answer. “Oh my God, he was amazing. I cannot fucking wait for tomorrow” the thought already making her wet. As she … Read more

I’ll Show You Mine If You Show Me Yours

My name is Danny, if have a beautiful wife (Beth) and two children (Lori and James, twins) and live a normal life in a busy city. Both of our kids attend the same private school in our area and are head of their classes, everything is good. Lori and James are the kind of twins … Read more

The Taking of Elizabeth: Chapter 4

The blonde girl slept for most of the day after her session with Kurt. Her body ached from his abuse and longed for more of the pleasure she’d only ever received from him all at the same time. She’d used the alarm clock on her side table to set an alarm for herself. The tone … Read more

The Janitor (Chapter 2)

The Janitor Chapter two. It hadn’t been a typical Monday at work. A fire alarm had seen the entire university outside, standing in the rain while the fire brigade searched the building in vain for the cause. She and her colleagues got soaked in the drizzle and knew they had the rest of the day … Read more

BimboTech Chapter 6: Cum-Hungry Bimbo Wives

Frank Jackman, CEO of BimboTech Chemicals “I know. By five sexy bimbos,” moaned my bimbo wife Alice from the expensive surround sound. She was on the TV screen dominating the living room cuddled against Director Steffen. He headed the FDA’s Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, who certified all cosmetic products. Like the bimbo … Read more

Tight Spot

Cody bit his lip as he looked over towards the shop, a little anxious about their planned endeavour but not wanting to come off as uncool to his friends, “Are you sure this is a good idea?” he asked. His friends grinned and laughed, playfully nudging him as they made their way towards the shop … Read more

Grueling Erections

Pierre woke up to the grueling ring of his nightstand alarm. With a groggy groan, he slowly lifted his hand and slammed it, hoping to shut it off. Unfortunately, before his fingers found the button, loud footsteps resounded across the hall, followed shortly by his mother’s shrill voice. “PIERRE RUVOLO! GET YOUR LAZY ASS UP! … Read more