Mom Regrets Me *-* I Fuck Her

*I enjoy writing just as much as I do reading. So I will propose this… If any of you enjoy this certain story and would wish me to write another one, then write me a story for me to read. And then I will write another one. The story you write doesn’t need to be … Read more

high school virgin taught a lesson

I never liked high school, but I guess things only get worse before they get better. Today I proved that. I was in English, daydreaming as usual, when I hear my name. “Olivia, can I see you outside now please.” My teacher asked me. His name is Scott Reming; he’s 6ft4” towering over me at … Read more

Hell’s Brother Part 2

The girls were lined up across a wall next to one another. Handcuffs bound their hands together and chains were used to keep their arms raised above their heads to prevent them covering themselves. Cum coated their naked bodies and leaked from their holes which had been fucked roughly over and over again. Mia, Tabitha … Read more

The Cove – Prequel

Jackie was a very beautiful, young woman. She kept fit, and took pride in her appearance at all times. She could have easily been mistaken for a model, movie star, or pop singer. She was smart, funny, and driven. She discovered that she enjoyed sex, with both men and women, and the feelings of power … Read more

Kneel or No Kneel Pt. 02

Chapter 2: After the Show I couldn’t see a thing. I was living in a world of inky blackness with only sound and the pain in my abused little body to keep me company. I wasn’t deprived of sight due to a blindfolded nor was it the result of the fogginess in my brain but … Read more

Alls fair in drugs and war PART2

Daddy: “So what exactly do you expect me to do? I can’t come up with that kind of money at the drop of a hat!” I can’t keep the emotions from my voice. Rage, anger, guilt, hate, disgust and so much more are running through my veins and keeping my eyes from my daughter who … Read more


[b]31 CRAWL, TALL PAUL Talk at school by the Yankees had tested the patience of the Cubs, Paul being the primary instigator. Sean immediately picks up on the negative vibes during pre-game warm-ups. He calls a team meeting. “Sounds like we lost that beautiful team spirit. What’s wrong guys?” Fred says, “I really want to … Read more

Breaking the Cheerleader

Breaking the Cheerleader Jessica awoke in a daze. She blinked her blue eyes, trying to focus on any shape in the darkness as she struggled to remember where she was. There had been a party last night. She attended with one of the football players from her school. There were drinks and dancing and…nothing. “I … Read more

Dirty Little Slave

The sun rises slowly on the coast of Charleston, South Carolina. A dim but growing light slowly weaves its way through the open window of John Willington’s master bedroom as he wakes from his slumber. He quietly opens his eyes. Another day has begun on his immaculate plantation by the sea. Salty air drifts in … Read more

Mission 1: Cuba

My name is Ralph A. I am a hitman with a small twist. I get paid to rape a target, not for killing them. Contractors typically have people they want humiliated for various reasons political, criminal, or economic. I boarded a plane from my airport in the U.S. An envelope I received earlier that day … Read more

Unknown Presence – The Vessel

Unknown Presence – The Vessel. Leeann Hamilton had always been a normal twenty something girl with the IQ of a genius and looks that could stop people dead in their tracks. She was a dead heat in a Zeppelin race. Her gorgeous ivory skin glowed in the sunlight with a delicate scattering of freckles; untamable … Read more

Hell’s Brothel Part 1

I watched from my chair as my staff once again examined the new merchandise. Kidnapped from all across the country, each girl had varying features and qualities that separated her from the girl chained up beside her. They did however have certain similarities in the fact that they all currently found themselves in a situation … Read more

Lisa and Master Mark

Lisa and Master Mark We arrived at Mark’s house, which was situated in a tiny and secluded Surrey village at about 8 ‘o’clock that Saturday night. We knocked on the door Lisa was looking very apprehensive; he opened the door to us almost immediately. He was according to his letter, a retired Army Major. Aged … Read more

Unholy Matrimony

“You look beautiful,” Queen Varda said as she finished braiding her daughter’s long, silky blonde hair into intricate patterns. The girl shook her head almost imperceptibly, but a mother can pick up on the most minute details. Also, she saw her roll her eyes in the mirror. Aranel did look absolutely stunning. Her eyes shone … Read more

Kim RE Agent – Doctor’s Office From Hell

Laying in the dark, Kim regained consciousness. A heavy chain was double wrapped around her neck and attached to wall. She was laying on a blanket with another over her. The putrid smell of cum and urine was overwhelming. Every movement was painful. She felt her face, hair was matted down. Lips felt swollen to … Read more


Chapter Two The early Saturday morning sun was shining through the window as Emily felt her bed sink a little. She opened her eyes and glared at Thomas. “Why are you in here? Can’t you stay out of my room if I have to stay out of yours?” He shrugged. “Maybe I wanted more of … Read more

girly to the last drop

alright lets begin this story by telling you abit about my self. My name is Dominick but my actual girl name is Jessica, im 18, short, skinny, blue eyes, long brown hair, big butt, and a 5-6 in cock (unfortunately). Ive always felt as if i were born wrong and should have been a women … Read more

Amber’s Revenge

My girlfriend Amber and I were members of a sex club. We both enjoyed going and participating in most of the activities at the club, but she refused to have sex with other women. She enjoyed watching other women in the club, get fucked and she even enjoyed watching other women fuck each other, but … Read more


Early morning in her little hole in the mall, Alix, a happy-go-lucky young brunette, was tidying up her station for minimum wage. Sunny Cafe was technically open, but not many people were passing by at this hour, and the ones who did already had a Starbucks cup in their hand. A knock on the counter … Read more