Awakenings 2_(0)

Awakenings 2 ——————————————————————————————————————- Tahir reclined back in his easy chair. He’d been here on the west coast for over 2 months now. So far noone had approached him, he hadn’t seen anyone from before but for some reason he felt that the doctor wasn’t about to give up. Sighing, he hadn’t used any of his … Read more

Awakenings 4_(1)

Awakenings 4 ———————————————————————————————————– The Captain was upset. The east division had reported that they had lost several agents. Looking over the reports again, he knew that it was the work of the doctor’s group. Sighing he picked up the phone calling for Tahir. This was only 2 days after Tahir had eliminated the group’s four … Read more

IT WAS FRAUD–Part 1 of 6

IT WAS FRAUD—Part 1 of 6 by SENORLONGO It seems that I have been working on this story forever. I had more than 120 pages written maybe six months ago when I had a hard drive crash on my laptop. Yes, that’s right—all 120 pages were lost. I liked the story so I went back … Read more

Awakenings 9

Awakenings 9 ——————————————————————————————————- The Captain read the reports with tight lips. He had counted at least 30 bodies or what was left of them. Thank god Tahir had rescued half of those left but the body count was starting to mount. Washington wasn’t that pleased but after the horror stories of those he had rescued … Read more

Awakenings 5_(1)

Awakenings 5 ————————————————————— Tahir and the Captain were pouring over the reports that were coming in. Apparently, Tahir’s earlier actions had put a short stoppage to the doctor’s groups plans for a time. They had been at it for a couple of hours, when Tahir noticed a report of a body. It took him a … Read more

The Black Willow (2)

The Black Willow (2) By demand part 2 of the Willow/Mary story ——————————————————————————————————————- After succeeding in their mission they were in high demand. Mary was pissed that they didn’t let her and Jim work on their tech much, she had many ideas and wanted to get on them. As the months passed many of the … Read more

Queen of the Sex Slaves

To my muse, E.O.M., who knows why. 1-Hub She tried to evade them for years, but in the end, they finally caught her, Tisya Achoka, and they brought her here. It is a fact widely agreed upon throughout the galaxy, that this place, the piratical slave traders’ planet of Aghara-Penthay is one of the best … Read more

A Good Man 5

A Good Man 5 ———————————————————————————————– The next morning Tom awoke wondering what the hell was going on. Looking around, his room was crowded with a mixture of brownies, pixies, sprites and half of the council. Huh? Most were asleep, that didn’t bother him as much as the fact that they were in his house to … Read more

A Good Man 7

A Good Man 7 —————————————————————————————————————————– Awakening Tom was still tired, damn hadn’t been like that since all this started. Rolling out of bed he was shocked to see Futha sitting beside his bed, she hadn’t made a sound upon entering waiting quietly for Tom to awake. “Hello Futha, I’m sorry I wasn’t awake to greet … Read more

A Good Man 8

A Good Man 8 ———————————————————————————————————————————————- The Queen was nervous, it had only been a few days since mage Tom had done any healing to her daughter. Her daughter was still unstable at times, they had to tie her down to keep her from hurting her self or others, just as the mage Tom had warned. … Read more

Missy Likes It – Chapter 04 of 05

WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in … Read more

A Good Man 6

A Good Man 6 ————————————————————————————————- Tom finally opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was Queen Iterne, then Frilly and finally the council. When he tried to sit up the throbbing in his head and side were too much and he fell back, a groan escaping his lips. The queen rushed to his side … Read more

Awakenings 10

Awakenings 10 ——————————————————————————————————- Romotine paced the room his anger apparent from the many destroyed things around him. He had tried the doctor for over an hour then had gone to his place. They hadn’t found anything to suggest a struggle, robbery nothing. Damnit! Without the doctor, there was no way he could recruit those they … Read more

The Princess and the Captain (2)

Jim laid beside Amber basking in the afterglow of their love making as an idea began to form. “Amber how long do you have to claim the throne before they make their move,” he inquired. “Well, from from all decrees I have seen” as she reached to lovingly grasp his rapidly softing cock, “six months … Read more

Bully Revenge, Pt.5 – NEW ADDITION!!!

(Hey gang, the very popular Bully Revenge series is back! Jordynn just cannot seem to learn her lesson, so Johnathan is going to have to teach her the humiliating hard way, so give it a read, and enjoy! ALL COMMENTS AND CRITICISMS ENCOURAGED!) The tires of Jordynn Perry’s old Nissan crunch the shells and gravel … Read more

Tales from a Small Republic – The Desolate Coast

The grim little fishing village of Portuselvan lies on the remote rock-bound east coast. Before the collapse of the Republic’s economy and the coup by the Generals the inhabitants had just about managed to make a living from fishing, setting drift nets from bluff rugged open clinker built boats launched from the open beach in … Read more