Degrading A Young Lady

Degrading Rebecca Rebecca was 22, tall and blonde, but was a virgin and had never been kissed because guys didn’t like her arrogant attitude. Whilst being very insecure on the inside, she portrayed a snobby personality and ‘looked down’ on others. Her parents noticed this behavior and were concerned that it would affect her finding … Read more

Scheherazade Imaginaria Part 1: Ogre Captivity

I opened my eyes to darkness. Not quite complete, but almost so—I could make out the dim dome of the natural cave above me, maybe fifteen feet high in the center, and the thick timbers of the door barring my escape, the grated porthole allowing the barest flicker of firelight from the passage beyond. I … Read more


CHAPTER 1 I had just walked into the house after a busy and tiring Friday at the store. “I’m home, Gail.” She walked out of the kitchen in response, wearing an apron over her tee and jeans. I leaned forward to kiss her, but she turned her head at the last second and my lips … Read more

Emma Chapter 5

Introduction Emma just watched a man pay her master for the privilege of using her body for his own gratification. She also learned that she will be attending a BDSM group party soon and be passed around like a cheap party favor. We catch up with Emma in this chapter a week later just before … Read more

Three sisters and little brother part 2 – Heero Yuy

Three sisters and little brother part 2 – Heero Yuy This is part to of the series, I know part one was written terrible but I got some positive messages and I thought to myself let’s try again. This time I tried to write it better I hope I succeeded. Rate my story and give … Read more

Emma Chapter 4

Introduction Emma has just witnessed the breaking and initial training of her bitch mother into a submissive pain slut. She enjoyed the experience oh so very much, watching her mother subjected to cruel and painful torture until the fire left her eyes, and lust replaced it. Emma could not feel more wanted and loved. Not … Read more

My first love_(0)

My dad me woke up. I was finally home from New York. I’m where I belong, home. In Texas. It was the last day of winter break. It was a day from new years. I got up, and out of the car, as my dad got all my suitcases. I don’t live with him. I’ve … Read more

My Box…

“Ay girl Tony wanna talk to you” kayla said bumping into my desk. “Girl his name is Mr. Brown” I rose out of my seat while rolling my eyes at Kayla. “Don’t hate” she responded back. I walked into Mr. Brown’s office and sat. “Mrs. Riley just the person I wanted to see… I want … Read more

Lisas Transformation 11-14

Lisa slowly woke up. She was in a hospital bed. Her master sitting next to her. She lay there naked. The first thing she could see was the bandage around her, now extremely huge, breasts. Her nipples sticked out of the bandage and were covered with some kind of plaster. They nearly had the size … Read more

BB Part 1

It all started out so innocently, as innocently as most things start out I had always had an itch, a little tiny scratch that was content and never ending, yet I knew not what it was, just that it was there — whatever it was. I did not know how all encompassing it would become … Read more

Ghoulfriend, Part 1

Hmkay…let’s see… Once upon a time there was a cute goth girl who believed in vampyres. A lot of her friends believed in vampyres, or at least liked to dress up like vampyres, but this girl BELIEVED in them. The way little kids BELIEVE in Santa. And she knew, deep in the cockles of her … Read more

The Business – Chapter Seven

March 28th, 2002 The slaves gathered early the following morning, in the same room which had been used the previous Sunday. They were all on edge, curious as to whom the new master would be. Would he be as vicious as Jack, or a man who showed care? Winter looked around at the group, seeing … Read more

Doing home work with Alexa

Alexa had been in Andrew Jones’ bedroom for almost twenty minutes, and he hadn’t even tried to cop a feel of her tits yet – did this guy really ask her over his place to study? Most of the other guys hadn’t even tried to pretend that was what they were interested in. They all … Read more

Captured in Ajikistan

Captured in Ajikistan Arianna, Layla, Mira, and Sandy had embarked on their risky adventure with the best of intentions. Working for an NGO aid group called ‘Hearts Healing Conflict,’ they had volunteered to help bring in humanitarian supplies to the tiny, struggling third world nation of Ajikistan, which was in the midst of a civil … Read more

A desperate Charmeleon

A fire-type Pokemon can feel quite powerful while walking through the forest, and it is for this reason that Pokemon of this stature are expected to show a humility and kindness.. This, however, was NOT in the nature of this particular Charmeleon, for each of her boastful steps through the heavily wooded area was a … Read more