My Endearing Angels

“Daddy!” Emma’s voice echoed through the Livingroom. I had just been shopping for groceries when Emma came sprinting down the stairs. “Did you get Alice’s snacks?” Emma spoke excitingly. Emma herself would never ask for any snacks, but usually made her twin-sister Alice ask for twice as much. As if I wouldn’t notice. “Of course, … Read more

Can you take me shopping?_(0)

For those of you that have read “Can you help me” I’ve got a sex only relationship going on with a neighbour. For those that haven’t I refer to as Jenn. She a married woman with a workaholic husband. At the time that this all started she was 37 and I was 50. Jenn is … Read more

Bait and Switch Ch. 20

I found Robin and Dennis sitting in the main room of the apartment, when I got home. They were watching TV and not screwing, which I was thankful for, considering the conversation I’d just had with Shanna. “Hey,” my roommate said, as soon as he saw me, “Did I see you coming out of Mrs. … Read more

My Uncle’s New Wife; Part 3 Cousin Ashley Takes Charge

My Uncle’s New Wife; Part3 Cousin Ashley Takes Charge Shock would be a mild word to describe what I felt the moment I opened my eyes. Expecting it was Aunt Laura next to me in bed only to see my little cousin Ashley. She had one finger pressed against her lips while her other hand … Read more

The Chauffeur (#16) And So It Begins_(2) DIABLO

The Chauffeur (#16) And So It Begins By: PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2019 CHAPTER 1 Fred was taking us to his Italian restaurant for a nice meal. Jill, of course, still topped on my mind. Although I’m not a religious person, I have my beliefs in God and one of them has to do with ‘you … Read more

The Ghost and Me, part 6 Warbuck

Part 6 Plans Are Discovered. It was the first time that I went to sleep with Sam and woke up next to her. It was something that I was looking forward to in the future. Sam was lying towards me, still sleeping. So, I grabbed a lock of her hair and tickled her nose. Sam’s … Read more

Accidents Happen Part 4

Breakfast consisted of eggs and bacon and some fantastic camp coffee. It was a little chilly out and the girls were bundled up in sweaters. The way they were acting, you’d never know that I’d fucked my daughter and her best friend senseless the night before. They were just acting like typical, silly high school … Read more

Substitute dad pt.5

Part 5 of the series, Todd has just walked into Nicole’s bedroom to discover that his surprise is Nicole and her best friend Janet dressed up in schoolgirl outfits. Todd was dumbstruck. “Uhhhhhh. Hello girls.” The two girls had sexy pouts on their faces as Nicole spoke up. “I’m afraid that we’ve been naughty, Mr. … Read more


TWO BROKEN THUMBS, THE SEQUEL I broke both of my thumbs in a car accident and I was plastered up both arms to mid-level with thumbs locked outward. I had the use of my fingers since the casts stopped at knuckle level but I was finding it literally impossible to masturbate with just use of … Read more

My Life. Ch. 8…

2 months later. This was my life now, I had replaced my mom with her friend Lyla, and Danielle with Lyla’s daughter Shelby. I was getting less head from Lyla than I used to get from my mom, but made up for it by getting sex too. I would usually crawl into her bed at … Read more

My Sisters’ Gift 1

Note from the author: So this is my first story and if I get enough up votes I’ll write/publish more. All comments are appreciated, if you vote it down please tell me how I can improve in a comment. Disclaimer: This story includes some themes that may not be your cup of tea. If you … Read more

The Spread Part 2

The door whooshed closed behind the two men, alerting Rose to their presence. She turned to face them, and the two groups stared at each other bewildered. “I thought this area was closed after the impact?”, she heard one man whisper to the other. “It was”. “Then how did…”? The two men pondered the thought … Read more

Wartime Comfort House Diary – Day 5

To my surprise, the sad looking Comfort House was completely decorated for a wealthy Chinese wedding. The solders guarding the compound and the entrances all had new uniforms. Miss Yamaha, dressed in traditional Kimono, was already waiting at the entrance. ‘Congratulations General Tanaka! Welcome to your local wedding! According to your command, I have informed … Read more