Lucky Josh part 11

Back in the recreation room, Josh found the door open and heard the sounds of someone swimming in the pool. He walked to the side and smiled when he saw Danni swimming laps without swimsuit. Sitting down at the deep end, he watched her make her laps, sipping his coffee. Danni finished her lap and … Read more

Alpha – Ch. 1 Lesbian Dog Lovers_(0)

Katie slid her tongue along the svelte folds of the dripping wet pussy under her mouth. Her head nestled between the soft slender legs of her friend and lover. Like a reptilian goddess she tantalized her friend flicking her tongue out, kissing those tender erogenous zones. Dragging her tongue up from pirenium to that tiny … Read more

Sneaking in to Connor’s Room

“shh Lindsey you’ll wake your brother!” Kathryn Pierce scolded her 9 year old daughter as they crept into 13 year old Connor’s room. “Sorry Mom!” Lindsey whispered as she opened the door slowly and quietly tip toed inside. 10 min earlier “Mom, what’s a boner?” Lindsey asked “where did you hear that” wondered Kathryn “some … Read more

The New Hole Part 3

Part 3 We got in the car to head home and immediately started making out and rubbing the others crotch. Rebecca’s pussy was wetter than I have ever felt it. I easily slid three fingers deep in her hole and she moaned in delight, humping my fingers as we kissed. She unlocked her lips from … Read more

Cuckold gone wrong!

I wanted to relay a story that occurred a little while ago. I was out of town and while out I was contacted on my account from a hook-up site by a young couple (husband) that I had been emailing with for awhile. The young couple named Jeff and Sara lived in the mid-west and … Read more

Camping with Rachel and Meghan (Cont’d from A New Town and a New Girl)

The air is crisp. The smell of mildew, flowers and fresh grass comes up my nose, igniting a wonderful sense of relaxation. I feel a slight tickle on my chest – a small buzz, scratching gently. I open my eyes laying next to me is the most beautiful person in the world. Rachel is asleep, … Read more

A Brush With The Law

I think I’m a pretty average guy. You know, medium build, medium complexion, medium brown hair, average looks. When I say “average looks,” I mean I’m no Brad Pitt, but then nobody ever got me confused with Quasimodo, either. Kind of a happy medium, you could say. Maybe I’m a little a taller than average, … Read more

A Son Lusts for His Mother Ch. 10 – 12 (Final)

Chapter 10 On Wednesday, everything seemed to fall into place. We got out early from school, it was a nice sunny day, and Sammy was eager to come home with me. I let it slip that I hoped we could catch my mom sunbathing since she wouldn’t be expecting me to be home. We got … Read more


“Asshole”, I yelled out the window, while simultaneously honking my horn at the car that whizzed by me. People can be so rude during the afternoon ride home, I thought. I went back to surfing my preset Sirius XM channels. I heard snippets of a blues song, 90’s pop music, politics and hip-hop music. I … Read more

Holiday Hump

Holiday Hump Sometimes experiences happen in the most surprising ways and a young married hottie certainly surprised me by taking advantage of my sleeping erection. It all came about when a friends married daughter living overseas needed someone to look after her dog while she and her hubby along with their 2 kids went for … Read more

An Incest Birthday Chapter 21

A few days have gone by since we went to the amusement park, and it’s been non-stop like the last three weeks. We’ve done everything I could think of and then some; volleyball, drive-in, more shopping, they even slipped in some guy stuff for Chris and I like football, video games, we even went lasertagging. … Read more

Fucking Teagan Part 5 by

Fucking Teagan – Part 5 (A back story in Teagan’s words) “I don’t really remember my father. What little I do recall, are more like dream fragments than actual memories. Oh, I have seen photographs, but those are stills, not memories. Dad disappeared from my life when I was barely three years old. No, he … Read more

Bait and Switch Retype – Ch 27-28-Final

“I don’t hear anything,” Summer says, as we look down at my six half-human children. They’re sleeping peacefully right now, and haven’t made any more sounds after that one sentence. ‘You will do fine, father.’ That one sentence still reverberates around in my head. Sometimes it drowns out all other thoughts, even though they only … Read more