How I Lost My Virginity To My Subway Supervisor

My name is Olivia and this is the story of how I lost my virginity. I’m no professional writer, so feel free to give tips haha. For some context; I’m 5’5, 160lbs so not skinny but not exactly overweight, I was and still am what people considered “thicc” haha, I’m blonde, blue eyes, have freckles, … Read more

I Had No Choice, Book IV, Chapter 16

Rachel and I had a mostly uneventful week back home after our vacation the weekend before the big day of the first SAT had finally arrived. Becky and Lisa were as well versed in the Math section of the test that I could make them, with them hammering hard and studying with practice tests in … Read more

The Angel Next Door_(1)

— Okay, so this is my first story. It’s a simple, the-girl-next-door type of thing, so let me know what you think! Sorry if my English isn’t all that great.  …………………………………………………………………………….. I first saw her when she had just moved in. Long, blonde hair, deep blue eyes, and a smile that just melted me. … Read more

Going Nova ch. 6: Mother-Daughter Bonding Time

Hazel carried her daughter out of the den, barely paying mind to her husband with young Elsie on his lap. She was through watching the silly movie they had chosen and now only wanted to bond with her child. Brie was light and slack in her arms and her daughter’s body was hot and damp … Read more

Herodias Long

Herodias Long England in the year 1636 was a tumultuous place. The Thirty Years War on the European Continent had spread to the high seas and around the world involving England in war against France and Spain. However, the most troublesome conflicts to the people of England were on their own soil. There were at … Read more

Family holiday to Turkey -Dads holiday

Dave, his wife Claire and their daughter Amy finally arrived at the hotel after what felt like an eternity! Their flight had been delayed and then the taxi they’d prebooked didn’t show “there’s 50 quid I’ll never see again” Dave grumbled. But they finally arrived at their 5* resort. A golf course for Dave to … Read more

Not quite related. THANKFULLY!!!

This starts off as a true story. As with most “based on true story” books, this one has its own twist, mostly later on. It is not really incest, but if you have any problem with that at all I suggest you don’t read this. If you don’t want to read anything vulgar or anything … Read more

My Fluffy Sister

My sister and I lived together while we were going to college in Seattle. About a year after we took the two bedroom apartment we had attended a party and both of us got fucked up enough that our morals were rendered lifeless by a flood of alcohol and a handful of meds. I’m not … Read more

Virgin Sacrifice_(0)

“Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, old time is still a-flying; And this same flower that smiles today tomorrow will be dying.” -Robert Herrick, “To the Virgins, To Make Much of Time.” *** With his hands bound behind his back, Isaac marched through the woods. Seila walked behind him, prodding him whenever he slowed down. … Read more

Shane’s Girl

All through highschool, no one had ever asked me out. No boys checked me out, or even looked at me. I was a smart math geek. That was the way things went for me, and I didn’t mind one bit. I wasnt ugly, no. I was alrght looking, actually. I was short, about five feet … Read more

A Time-stop Footfetish Fantasy Part: 1

Chapter 1: The train Gray woke up early on a Monday morning to the sound of his alarm. Having spent the night earlier up late playing games it would take a lot of effort to convince himself to get up. He looked at the time on his phone “7:30, I can stay a couple more … Read more