Chapter 2 – Ryan & Nate

A direct continuation of the last story. Sorry to disappoint, no sex in this one xD Hey, there can’t be sex in everything right? Don’t worry though, there’ll be plenty of it in future chapters. This is a set up chapter for the rest of the story, and since I’m a guy who appreciates plot … Read more

A Schoolboy’s Secrets – Day Four: A Deep Punishment

Dear Diary, Lying in bed last night was rather interesting. Seems the House Leader (never got his name, damn…) is more than people think. I’d never quite had it like that before, I couldn’t help but rolling those memories over in my mind. Although I couldn’t do it too much or I’d never get to … Read more

John and Alex — Part 3

*hums the rest of the tune*… Hey guys, time for another part :). I realize I’m gaining popularity in comments so I must keep writing. If you are new please read Part 1 from my very first series and so on or none of this will make sense. Thanks. By the way, I dislike posting … Read more

Best Night Of Summer 2014

In middle school I found out that I was bisexual. Only my close friends knew I was bisexual. I was bullied a lot because I was bisexual, and I was more attracted to guys than I was to girls. Anyways during my freshman year I realized that I wasn’t bisexual anymore and that I was … Read more

Football Tournament 2 (7th grade boys having “fun”)

When we finally arrived in Las Vegas, the team had to check into a hotel, which was more like a resort, we had to check into a room. There was about 6-8 boys per room, being that we were a big team with 35 kids they had to squeeze us in. the coaches got there … Read more

Bateman and Son Photography III

Tim was thrilled and horrified at the same time. Thrilled when he felt the older boys hand squeeze his leg, horrified at the reaction the gentle squeeze created. He hoped Rich didn’t notice the growing bulge in his soaking wet pants, and started looking around the car, trying to get his mind off of the … Read more

Jake, Rob

Jake Greenman sits in his music theory class, bored out of his mind and fiddling with a guitar to try and offset the anxious diffusion of young hormones throughout his toned, warm body. His brown hair, straight and thin in complexion, brushes lightly over his forehead and swoops back across his scalp, and he has … Read more

Hitting the showers (part 2)_(1)

It has been two weeks since ross and shaun’s encounter in the showers and ross has never been more miserable in his life. him and shaun have not talked at all since. whenever he would try to shaun would start talking to someone else or quickly turn down the hall. Ross couldn’t even pay attenchen … Read more

All Boys School

For anyone who has ever had a crush on a bad boy… The wind sang through the iron gates making them quiver and rattle the noise echoing against the walls of the building. The building itself had just been rebuilt after 100years of service; St.Cuthberts High school needed some work done, so over the summer … Read more

The Camp Out PT 2

The Camp Out PT 2 We all arrive at the lake, and head for our favorite camp site. Right on the lake, some of the b o y s are already busy unloading the gear, and setting up tents. Mrs. Abernathy comments at how organized they all seem to be. “Oh yes ma’mm—every b o … Read more