Change of Desire Ch. 2

It’s been three days since I hooked up with Aiden, and being the idiot that I am, I refused to open the app to check if he had messaged me. Every time I’d consider checking, I would start to feel uneasy and decide against it. Today was no different. “You’re such a punk, Marc.” Emma … Read more

Baseball Tryouts

Hunter. 17 years old. Closeted gay guy. Brad. 17 years old. Straight asshole. Setting: Baseball team/school From the moment Hunter laid eyes on Brad, two feelings rushed through his body. Hatred and absolute lust. Brad’s cocky attitude made him one of the biggest assholes that Hunter had ever met, but his arrogant smirk that he … Read more

YBWL-2 (Tyler’s revenge) by

Hey! I hope you guys enjoy this new chapter. I put considerably more time and effort into this one (Most certainly length-wise). Thanks. If there was one thing young Tyler didn’t like, it was having his shit stolen. Young Josh was a star athlete on his school’s track team. He had been mentally conditioned by … Read more

Locker Room, Fuck.

I’m Jared. I’m eighteen years old. I have dark black hair, with green eyes. I’m currently finishing my final year of schooling. I like to work out, a lot but I’m not what of those guys who go insanely crazy over it. If I don’t say myself,. I’m in pretty good shape and other people … Read more

Down on the Farm – Part 2

Kyle finally released Jake’s limp penis and looked at the mess they had made on each other. Jake was leaning back against the wall with his eyes closed. There was cum all over them. Kyle’s hand was covered, not to mention his arm, chest, and thigh. Jake had some on his chin still. “I think … Read more


Connor turned on the water in the shower and as he was waiting for the water to warm up he looked into the mirror and realized that he had his cum coated on his chest. As he ran his fingers through the sticky goo, he started to remember everything that had happen relayed that night. … Read more

On Campus Foursome

After our locker room sex train, I didn’t see Blake, Collin, or Mike for about two weeks. We kept contact by texting and calling each other, but our schedules never fit well enough to meet again. Finally, on a Wednesday, we worked it out so each of us would stay after school and have a … Read more

Tease Ch.1

I woke up with a jump and turned to my clock. 7:16?! Oh my god, I had to be at school in fourteen minutes. I jumped up from my bed and ran to the restroom, hurriedly washing my face and brushing my teeth. I then changed into my clothes and put on my shoes. I … Read more

Evil Dudes-Chapter 2

The four of us shared an old farm house, with a barn, a large yard, and a huge basement. It was roughly in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by woods. The surrounding farmland, beyond the woods, had been sold to an agribusiness. We never saw anyone we didn’t want to see. We pulled the van … Read more

What I Wanted Ch. 1

Ok I’m 16, in the 8th grade. I’m 5’4″. Everyone calls me Tony, and knows I’m bi, so yeah. On to the story… So there I was sitting in band class, watching as our instructor angrily walked out the band hall. Some of the kids were just being stupid, playing wrong notes and such. The … Read more

Waterpark love part 3: The boat

Note: This is a continuation of my stories I have been writing, go back and read the others. I opened my eyes only to be blinded by the sun sparkling off the water. I got really confused as to where I was I shot upright. When I did this the little paddleboat toppled over sending … Read more

Detention 12

I’ve never been jealous over another dude – I never had a reason to be. And I didn’t wanna fucking admit it, but I was kinda jealous of that dumb-ass dude, Luke Block. B was looking at him the whole fucking time, looking at his dick and shit, getting hard and all that. Pissed me … Read more