My Brother’s Girlfriend

When we were young, my brother and I would always hang out in his bedroom, playing video games together. As we got older, we kept up the tradition, but my brother got interested in single player story games and I would just sit and watch. Occasionally, I would offer ideas for puzzles or I might … Read more

Wood in the woods

I was kind of nerdy and shy at school and my friends were, too. So we were behind the curve when it came to rounding the bases with our girlfriends and we hung out together a lot. We were playing cards on my bedroom floor one afternoon. We’d just learned how to play Poker. We … Read more

Beach House Sleepover 2

Due to popular demand, I’ve decided to write a sequel to my story ‘Beach House Sleepover’. It’s a bit of a long story so take your time reading it. Thanks for all the positive feedback so far. If you’re offended by, or not into boy-on-boy sex, then please don’t rate negatively because you’re against the … Read more

My Dirty Little Secret (4)

Loving everything about this, guys 🙂 There are some references to Halloween in here, because I intentionally planned to release this chapter near the day XD However, in later chapters, I might fast forward to Christmas season etc. before it actually arrives because none of us are patient enough to wait weeks for chapters 😉 … Read more

Tree House pt 1

Over the summer, my freshman friend Colt and I had literally no plans. We both had money left from previous summer jobs and didn’t feel at all like working again. Colt was going into his sophomore year and I was heading into my senior year. This was our summer to relax and enjoy what little … Read more

A Way With Words – Part 1

A Way With Words *** “Looking out over the hillside, he got the feeling that everything was going to be just fine from then on, the end.” *** “Oh my god” Steven said aloud even though he was the only person in the room. He felt relieved, as if a huge weight had just been … Read more

Innocent Asian Teen Turned Into A Slave Chapter 1

Chapter 1 Sophia arrived at the address with her heart pounding and on the verge of tears. She had no idea who got her pictures and how. Her parents wouldn’t look for her for another couple because she told them that she was studying chemistry with her friends. Sophia’s parents were proud of her being … Read more

A Midnight Swim & Grant the Pool Attendant

At University, I often used to swim late at night in the pool at the Students’ Union; it was always quiet and I often had the whole pool to myself. One of the attendants was really nice looking. He was in his late 20’s, quite tall and lean but with broad shoulders; clean-shaven but with … Read more

Down on the Farm – Part 1

Kyle came out to his grandparents farm every summer. He always looked forward to it. He liked the change of scenery. He lived in the city with his folks and it was nice to get out in the country were everything was green and growing and you had some space. Another thing he looked forward … Read more