My Sisters’ Gift 1

Note from the author: So this is my first story and if I get enough up votes I’ll write/publish more. All comments are appreciated, if you vote it down please tell me how I can improve in a comment. Disclaimer: This story includes some themes that may not be your cup of tea. If you … Read more

A Boy and His dungeon V

Knocking on heavens door Jennifer called the next morning. Jill was taking her shopping down in Cardiff for ‘girl stuff’. She promised me a surprise tomorrow. I spent the day working with the recordings and improving the filters that removed the personal overtones. I also worked on compressing the files, removing extraneous minor sensations. The … Read more

Solomon’s Daughters: Megan’s Chapter

Author’s Note: To answer several pm’s I am not going to stop writing Solomon’s Daughters or Fall of Paradise series. Last weekend I didn’t have time to write one for SD so I didn’t post one. I am currently writing a story for a few of my friends so until that is finished the FoP … Read more