Mind Control Machine

“So do you think uncle Harry hid money or valuables around his house?” I ask my mom as we’re driving down the interstate. “What makes you think that?” She asks, surprised at my question. “Well, he was pretty eccentric, you have to admit. He seemed like one of those guys who would stash things around … Read more

The Secret Cheerleader Vote – #8_(2)

The Secret Cheerleader Vote – #8 The next day was Sunday, so Zane slept in. He was exhausted from the previous night’s activities and the fitful sleep that followed. He spent the entire night dreaming of the things he had seen. Five girls, naked, all over each other, doing things he never would have imagined. … Read more

Jake’s Saga – Ch. 14 – Prom After Party 2

Jake had only meant to rest his eyes for a second, but realized he had dozed off when the credits of the movie they were watching were scrolling across the screen. “Hey sleepy head,” Katie cooed into his ear, “Sorry I passed out,” Jake replied groggily. “Oh it’s okay, we found a way to occupy … Read more

Amy Emily and Me Part 7 Feelings_(3)

Emily, Amy and I were sitting on the floor of the dining room. Our mouths still holding the flavor of Emily’s shit and our combined piss. Our kisses full of passion. Emily had asked who was going to go next….. Amy suspected that Emily and I had done more last night than just take advantage … Read more

Teasing the Wrong Guy on the School Bus

Inside the Bus Krista nervously boarded her friend’s school bus outside her school. She was an 8th grader and the year was almost over, and she wanted so badly to hang with a group of friends that included Holly’s brother Jeff. He was a cute 9th grader and was very “hot” in her book. He … Read more

I thought my sister was a lesbian

My sister was a lesbian or so I thought chapter 1 Growing up with my older sister was interesting to say the least,even with her girlfriends around was interesting. My sister Janet was a year and a half older than I so my parents had no problems leaving me with her from time to time.By … Read more

An African Farm Story Part 1_(1)

An African farm Story – Part One My personal experience growing in apartheid South Africa: Isn’t it strange that those events momentous and little as we grow up shape our lives and forever become part of us! Here I am in my late forties a sexual deviant by anyone’s standards and with a passion for … Read more

After School Duties: Episode 2

Bringing Their Young Sister On Board Despite Tyler’s efforts . . . her younger sister, 15-year-old Carly, had caught her running topless, and couldn’t understand why her sister would be running into the bathroom half naked . . . without a top on with her brother obviously home from school! Carly put her books down … Read more

My sister is changing her preferences

My sister is changing It was the morning after getting scolded by my sister that she invited me to wake her girlfriend up . I was still in shock when she led me into her room and told me to feed Donna her breakfast. Her breakfast was sausage,my sausage to be exact and Janet’s breakfast … Read more

An Incest Birthday Chapter 30

Only five stories left. Got another long one here at 68 pages. Enjoy. “WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKE UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUP!” Both Rita and I were instantly jolted out of our sleep by someone screaming not three feet away from us, and that someone turned out to be Stephanie wearing the biggest grin on her face sporting pigtails and a spaghetti … Read more

The Royal Genies – Chapter 07

Author’s message: At the start of this story I warned you that this would contain spoilers for A Boy and his Genie. This goes like quadruple for this chapter. You have been warned. ——————————- “So where are we?” “How should I know, we just jumped through time. We didn’t aim for anywhere.” “Well from the … Read more

Cherie, My Sister, and Me

“Hope there’s something left in that thing for me,” my sister said with a sly wink toward Cherie. My mouth fell open at this. I’d seen my sister Ann, naked before, and she had seen me. We had played “doctor” when we were children, but we’d never made sexual advances toward each other in adolescence. … Read more

Ranch Hand ch.4

Ranch Hand ch.4 By: ldtexas “So Amy, you and momma get that errand taken care of?” Jackie asked her youngest sister. “Yup, sure did!” “Cool! Why don’t you go with Cris and help with the trailer while Liz and I go get cleaned up.” Jackie suggested. Amy jumped up in the truck with with me … Read more