Minding Others, part 2

Minding Others by DiscipleN (Wherein, our protagonist gets several clues about the power he possesses, but he has yet to control.) Chapter 2 The next day, I felt great! But I had to go to school. That day was the worst of my life. By comparison, the next night made it seem casual. Unlike most … Read more

Program Alpha-Omega 10 by

Episode 10: Programming Assistant When Zack awoke the next morning, he was snuggled very tightly against Gabrielle. He smiled at the thoughts of their night together, which had been very enjoyable, to say the least. He couldn’t really move without disturbing her, but he really needed to use the restroom. He tried to turn carefully, … Read more

Mountain Man

The place where I grew up was a medium sized coastal city, a couple of hours away from Sydney, and it was a great place to live and to call my home town. My dad was sent there on a job transfer to take over as district manager for a big finance company when I … Read more

Potential Part 17

Hello readers. If this is your first chapter of Potentail, I encourage you to start from chapter 1. You’ll enjoy it more that way. I know it has taken a ridiculous amount of time to post these chapter, but I swear, I’m going as fast as I can. If you’re still hanging in there with … Read more

Brother & Sister & Friends

Brother & Sister & Friends John peeked through the hole he had made in the closet wall connecting his room to his sister’s. He could see his sister in her room beginning to undress for bed. As he became more excited watching her undress, John dropped his pants and pulled his cock out, holding it … Read more

Higher Education Chapter 2

This story is a long one. If you prefer shorter tales this one may not be for you. This story is fictitious and is set in the west coast of the USA in the mid-1980’s. I really appreciate the positive responses to the previous chapter. Constructive criticism and feedback is also appreciated. Hope you enjoy … Read more

Speech Class Part II: The Summer After

I abruptly woke up as the morning sunlight beamed through my bedroom window. I quickly covered my eyes, averting my gaze from the sudden brightness. I lethargically looked at my clock, wondering what time it was; 9:25. Kicking off the covers, I rubbed my eyes and walked downstairs. As I groggily wandered down to my … Read more

Such Good Friends, Chapter 5, Megan

SUCH GOOD FRIENDS: Chapter four—Megan During lunch, their plans changed. Mark and his sister Tina—whom he has always called Teeny—and her friend Carla, both thirteen, had planned to fuck each other all afternoon, then watch a movie and finally finish off with an all-night fuck session. Mark was sixteen and a star quarterback. Teeny and … Read more


Hey, what’s up my name is Daniel. I feel like I had one of the best summers that any kid growing up could have. I thank my parents every day for their careers and what they have gained due to the work they have put in. My dad is a local prosecutor and my mom, … Read more

New Jock Tales–Freshman year–Chptr 7–Homecomming–Pt 1

New Jock Tales—Freshman Year—Chptr 7–Homecoming PT 1 It was Wednesday before home coming. We had had successful wins the past two weeks on the road, scoring a total of 57 points. That definitely put us in the running for playoffs, but still five games to go. The school was once again a-buzz with excitement. And … Read more

Program Alpha-Omega 14 by

Episode 14: War of the Minds, Part II ∼∼≈≡≈∼∼∼≈≡≈∼∼∼≈≡≈∼∼ Zack woke up slowly, and stretched. Unusually, he was alone. He hadn’t wanted company the previous night, after the stress of releasing everyone. Or at least, everyone who would let me. The more he thought about it, the more he wondered about the three who hadn’t … Read more